Richest mom

My story actually begin as I grew up, my brother was diagnosed with ADHD. He never seemed to find the right medicine to help and was diagnosed and undiagnosed with several other things. My parents had a hard time with him and were labeled as bad parents and not being able to control him. I am pretty sure he should have been diagnosed with some form of autisum. I also believe my other brother is high functioning autistic too.

When my son came along he walked early and seemed to be a very bright adventurous little boy. Preschool and Kindergarden were constant struggles and discipline meetings. First grade he was diagnosed with ADHD and things did get better, but he still struggled with social situations. At the end of end of his 7th grade year he was tested and diagnosed with high functioning Aspergers. Which looking back made sense. He has a hard time looking you in the eye while talking and has a hard time controlling the volume of his voice when talking. I struggled for a long time with the diagnoses because I was his mom I should have fought harder when I knew things weren't getting any easier. But with some therapy he is doing better.

I now see the signs in my 6 year old daughter as well. She was speech delayed, didn't walk untill she was 17 months, and has some sensory issues. The future for her doesn't seem as hard knowing I have made it through with my son who is now 14. I am so excited to see my kids active and involved with activities of their choice, and doing well even though they are autistic.

They are the most loving and giving children you could ever meet. They brighten my day everyday!! God truly blessed me the richest way possible!!

Jennifer Teeters
O'Neill, NE