Samuel Jacks' Story

Samuel was given to God since before his birth. For the months that we waited for him we prayed daily for a child that would some day be a Pastor or a missionary and give his years to serving others. We knew even then that he would be an important, loved, nurtured, sweet child. We expected him to be typical and never thought otherwise. The medical dilemmas began early on. He had a helmet fitted for plagiocephaly, his stomach never seemed calm, and often we felt very disconnected from him. While our other children desired holding and coddling, Samuel was happiest on a blanket with one or two toys. While others around him began speaking and communicating with one another, Samuel enjoyed spinning his brothers bicycle tire and watching it go around. Some days he would just gaze to we didn't know where and seem like he didn't even know we were there. In 2012 my husband and I discovered him playing in gravel in the yard and realized he was rubbing it into his hair. That was the proverbial straw.
After three months of experts galore we were told what we secretly already knew. No aspbergers, no slightly concerned looks. Just straight up but quite definite Autism. I'd like to say I was shocked or surprised or dismayed but I was to relieved to be any of those. We finally had the answer! What made our boy difficult but wonderful, frustrating but fabulous, annoying yet marvelous was there on the page right in our faces. Incredible! A new journey!
We gathered resources, therapists, fancy foods, and our courage and settled in for the long haul. My Samuel is amazing! Every day he teaches me something I'd never have imagined the day before. He smiles when he sees a fire alarm, he laughs very loudly if someone gets hurt and he sings in the tub. Every day there are small victories and every day there are huge challenges but he is still God's child and I'm so glad to be entrusted with him. Thank you God for Samuel.

Denise Wilson
Lompoc, CA