
My son Matthew was a very quiet baby when he was in my stomach . When he was a baby he was a little fast with milestones but I started to notice that he would flapped his hands and get very excited when he wanted something. He did say a few words but we notice he had lost them by the time he was 12 months old. In June of 2013 Matthew was diagnose at the age of 2.5 with Autism Spectrum in August. Matthew is one amazing little boy he started last September at a specialize preschool for kids with disabilities and he amazed them all. When he started he was not talking just making a little bit of sounds as the school year went on he started to pick up words and now he is talking a little bit more but we still have times where he goes mute on us. Matthew does a lot of crawling and slapping of the chest. Matthew loves to be in the water and now we understand why he does he likes the deep pressure that he gets from being in the pool. This summer we had put Matthew in a camp with typical kids and he stay the whole time and for that I am proud of him for sticking with it. Matthew is in a martial art class and he does private lessons and we do try to get him with other kids. Matthew is a little boy that sometimes people just look at him because just something like going to a new place can cause a meltdown or stress him to the point that we have to leave.Matthew is very smart boy and a good memory he can take you to places that you took him once and he is great in education part too. He is starting to write with little help he just need the pressure on the pencil to write. He going back to the specialize preschool this year and I am hoping it help him with his social skills and making friends. mommy,daddy,sissy LVU.

Maria Rogers
Georgetown, DE