Sweet 16th to my severe autistic daughter

Would just like to share a short Praise for my sweet daughter Taylor, she is getting ready to turn sweet 16, she is a very sweet, kind, loving, big heart, wonderful person. She has very little speech, communication of no more than a 3 year old, she is such a great girl, Its rough sometimes but I love her so much that I look over the hard moments. Hopeing she has a great 16th birthday, she has to go to school for LIfe Skills class's over and hour there and a hour back, since our home based school doesnt offer any classes that would benefit her. She doesnt have friends like a normal 16 year old, she does take up with people (some do not except her) its sad to say but some of our own family do not except her and treat or like a human being or love her the way she desrves. I would do anything and everything to help her that I can. I am going to make her sweet 16 birthday as special as I can make it, she likes to color and say abcs, and listen to music (loves certain artist :) I pray for her every day, I Pray for all kids, and adults that suffer from autisum,, they have feelings,hearts, just like everyone else, I wish people would just stop and think of what they go thru, and How everything effects them weather you think it does or not..HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY SWEET PRECIOUS TAYLOR....MOMMY LOVES YOU SWEET ANGEL! I call her my Angel because I know God sent her to me for a reason! God Bless You All.............

jessica white
Bunker Hill, IN