the day my world changed forever.

I remember seeing doctor after doctor since my son was 18mo. he was diagnosed with everything from bipolar to psychosis, adhd combined type and sensory processing d/o. Finally i asked the doctor if there was anything that covered all of these behaviors and he sent us to a child developmental specialist who did a series of extensive tests. I never heard back from the specialist and about 6mo later received this detailed report in the mail. It was like reading a foreign language the only thing I understood was that his diagnosis was aspergers. I knew nothing about autism and how it would affect my son, his siblings, my life style, his education and every other aspect of our lives. The road has a long one with many dead ends, curves, and detours....but the scenery has been beautiful. My son is my hero! he has taught me patience, selflessness, and how to love unconditionally. He has a great talent when it comes to art. he can do complex math problems in his head, but can't write more than 5 sentences or form his letters correctly, but some day he will. He can tell you any fact he has ever heard about science or history. He does not blend in well with his peers but yet in a room full of adults he fits right in. The most important lesson i have learned from him is how to think less of what people think of me or him or anyone for that matter and not be judgmental.

crystal Blakely
Lone Star, TX