The Love of a Grandson

My grandson has always been very dear to me. His papa and I new from the time he was born that he was special and was doing things well beyond his years, but not until he started school did he show signs that were uncontrollable. The teacher couldn't cope with is noises, his crying or anything else he did that disrupted the class. He had no friends. Finally his mother did something about it and between Kindergarten and first grade they had him tested. He is at the higher end of Autism. He is a very smart boy and the top of his class, but because of circumstances he hates school. He his an excellent reader, speller, and is very good at math. After visiting the fair at two and a half he was fascinated with the ferris wheel and with his connects he recreated it. The seat moved as well as the wheel itself and he has made many things that are just beyond his years. His mind is always learning and creativity is mind boggling.
Medication and therapy is helping him be better behaved little boy. The positive side of all this is he has friends and he calls them his "Best Buds." He will be starting school in a new district, I hope he will be happy and gain many new friends. To my Grandson I have nothing but love, respect, and joy in knowing that you are getting help and that you will grow up to be a very productive and wonderful boy, young man, and adult. I love you out into the universe and back again.
At this time my family is fractured and I haven't seen him in awhile, but that doesn't mean I don't love him. He is always in my prayers as well as his brother, cousins and my children. One day I hope he will know that I didn't abandoned him and that I will always be there to love him and help him and that he will always be my "special ray of sunshine".
Love Grammie.

Laura Conger-Ashley
Bakersfield, CA