The most confusing years of his life

So for my son Joshua this all started when he was about 1.5 years old. He was in daycare almost full time so I could work. He didn't like either kids, didn't like to play with them, and wanted nothing to do with them. He went through the normal phase of biting and pushing, but it came to a point where it wasn't just a "phase".
They suggested he was possibly autistic and to get him tested. I disagreed back then I couldn't believe in my heart there was anything wrong with my little boy. So he went to a new daycare after getting kicked out of that one. Same issues which finally made me start taking him to the doctor to find out. After 3 doctors they ran his test. Sadly the news came back he had pdd-nos. It hurt more then I thought it could. At first I had no words, then it was just why. As I looked at my little boy who has figured out more things then a 3 year old should he was just told he was on the border of the spectrum. Then I realized we were atleast blessed it wasn't full blown. They hope with 3 therapists in school and special needs class he'll be ok. Either way it has made me see how hard it is to have a child who is more "special" then other kids. He is beyond smart that's all I'd ever hear. And that is definately true he is its amazing how fast he can learn. Which I'm proud of him for that. But loud noises, crowds, sometimes the most random things scare him. It is the most heartbreaking thing to see him cry and freak out and not be able to do much other then hold him close and tell him it'll be ok. He is the most sweet boy in the whole world I just hope he can have the help he needs and no matter what we will always be there for him. I love you Joshua thank you for being so amazing.

danielle tucker
westland, MI