This is Me

Hello! My name is Richie Jewell. I'm 21 years old and I have autism. Throughout my life, i have endured depression, loneliness, bad effects of parent's divorce, struggling to adapt places and struggles with the disability such as speech and language, awkwardness in social situations and communication. It was pretty tough to endure but that was then, this is now!

You're curious on what i do for a living, right? I'm a motivational speaker, writer, and autism/world advocate to help out for those who are in a struggle like i was once was. I'm doing it for those who are bullied, have been told "you can't do it", and depressed. I want to be a symbol that anything is possible even living with autism. I want to educate people on how to make our world to be a better place for all of us.

On my spare time, i enjoy and embrace my interests such as animals, movies, writing, professional wrestling and inspiration. Those things I just mentioned are the puzzle pieces to my heart. I live my life to the fullest no matter what curve ball is throwing at me. I just have to learn to enjoy the ride. Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you'll miss it.

The contributions I have right now are dedication, confidence, patience and support. Because of those attributes, I can believe in myself and my ability to succeed one goal at a time. The biggest support I have now are my family and close friends. I will remember them for life. I shall not let anyone break my spirit because mine is powerful. If I could snap my fingers and be non-autistic, I would not because then, it wouldn't be me. Autism is part of who I am and what made me so unique. My message for you all is that everyone has a story to tell and its our duty to make best out of what life has given us. This who i am and always will be: I am Richie Jewell

Richie Jewell
Beacon, NY