Through the Eyes of Jayden

Jayden is 5 years old and has autism. I am the grandmother raising him and I have had him since he was 7 months old. I raised 4 healthy children and never dreamed I would be raising a grandchild. Jayden was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2. We immediately seeked out information and learned everything we could to adjust and help him with anything and all things related to his condition. We immediately got him in school and his progress has been slow but amazingly he is learning so much. I have seen many things in my life, been many places and have, met many people from all walks of life. I can tell you that seeing the world through the eyes of an autistic child has opened up my heart and mind to the possibilities of pure amazement. I just want you to know that even though a child may not speak, know how to express their feelings (other than frustration) just look in their eyes and it speaks volumes. I can see things I never saw....understand the smallest of things I never knew and feel love more than I ever knew was even possible. The most difficult and greatest times of my life is Jayden. I totally believe things happen for a reason and that we all are on this earth to fulfill a purpose.................I have been so blessed to be the one that gets to share my life and my time with Jayden. I was diagnosed with an inoperable brain stem tumor in 2008, I went through radiation (gamma knife) and felt horrible with no purpose as it was so difficult to even walk around. My God send was this most fascinating, precious, smart little boy. I am going through the process right now trying to adopt him and can not even imagine life without him.. Life is more than amazing through the eyes of Jayden.

Karen Rheam
Tampa, FL