Totally different child

Alex is 14 years old. He was diagnosed with many different diagnosis's until the end of 2nd grade when it was finally determined he had Aspergers. He was a very frustrated young kid. He was smart beyond his age. He loves routine and structure. He expects everyone to follow the rules completely... no gray area. At the end of 2nd grade he was completely in "learning support" class room primarily because of his behavior. He was really good at flipping desks and telling the teacher exactly how he felt about her. He was about 2 years behind all the other kids academically.Our home school district could not help him... Yes, I believe our home school district failed him in elementary school. He ended up at a partial hosipital school (he came home at night). He spent 5 years there. And boy has he changed. When he transitioned out of the school he gave the graduation speech. 7th grade he was in all regular ed classes except for math and science. Both of those were learning support classes... 8th grade he was only in learning support math. Now the new year started again...he is a freshman in high school He loves it.. all regular ed classes. Yes he still loves routine, and structure...but he can now handle rules being bent a little. We have come a long way from Elementary Alex to now Freshman Alex. We still have moments that his aspergers really takes over. But now we can "ride the wave".

swissvale, PA