Tyler's Story - The Best Thing Ever

Tyler was born in 2002. My pregnancy was normal until my 20 week sonogram, when some spots on his brain and kidneys were detected. Everything came back normal, but during childbirth his heart rate dropped drastically. Despite that, he was born healthy and perfect. Tyler did everything later than his older brother. Walked later, talked later, potty trained later. In preschool after observing him socializing, his teacher suggested a meeting with his kindergarten counselor and psychologist because off his "off" behavior. While weighing this option, I read an article online about a child with something called Asperger Syndrome. I researched AS and was floored as I read what described my six year old to a tee. We took him to a pediatric neurologist, and soon after got his diagnosis from a children's hospital. He had Asperger Syndrome, an Autism disorder. It was a devastating but eye opening discovery. Since his diagnosis, our family and his school have come come together to make sure Tyler has the best care and education possible. Although it is a struggle everyday for our family as well as Ty, we take it step by step.
Tyler, now eight, is an outgoing, polite, enthusiastic, energetic, brilliant ray of sunshine. He sees the good in everything and everyone. He refers to most things in his life as "beautiful," and I could only wish to see the world through his innocent and optimistic eyes for one day. He is an academic whiz, and every teacher's dream. Polite, happy, loving and affectionate, my Tyler is the best blessing a family could ever have. Though he will have struggles in his life, I am confident that with our help and support, he will live the life I know he can. The life he deserves. Because he's the best thing ever.

Champion, OH