Unconditional Love

My baby brother Joseph Anthonie Perez was born October 26th, 1998 he arrived to this world 6 days late but over all was a healthy BIG 9 pounds and 14 ounces. When he was 2 years old my baby brother got very sick his blood pressure dropped & he almost died he shorty got diagnosed with anemia the doctors told my mom and family that my brother would possibly not reach the normal mile stones most kids make. But to not worry he will catch up with the other kids as time goes on. Time passed and my brother was 4 years old he still was not reaching the normal milestones children should at this time my brother was only saying a few words like " No " , " Yes " , Sissy ( Sister ) or Mommy. He hardly said a word and when he wanted to say some thing but couldn't he point or mouth the words. My mom took my brother to the doctor they ran some simple tests on him and the doctor told us my brother has a mild case of autism. At age 4 my brother started speech therapy he went from not saying anything at all to a few words he is 15 years old now a high school soft-more he plays Basketball, Bowling & track n field on the Special Olympics team. He talks so much now he is an inspiration to me because even though he still struggles to speak some times he always has a smile on his face. He is so smart & i love watching him learn new things everyday he loves helping people & he loves making people smile. My baby brother has this unconditional love that is so pure and simple I learn new things from him everyday I am so proud & blessed to be this little man Sister.

Krystal Perez
San Antonio, TX