Valkyrie's Journey

My beautiful little girl was 18 months old when we stepped in to the doctors office for her regular checkup. I knew at that point something wasn't right because she didn't talk, was self harming and having meltdowns almost daily. Her favorite thing to do was sit in a chair and "bump".

Our doctor referred us to an agency here who does autism screening and I will never forget the day, after all the testing, that I heard the words "your daughter is autistic". I felt like my world was caving in.

but as time goes by I realize that autism isn't something to be sad about. My daughter teaches me daily about being a fighter, being strong, and allowing yourself to be unique.

And through all the doctor appointments, OT, home therapy, speech therapy and more. She is my little trooper and endures whatever is thrown at her with a grace that I only wish I had. She is truly my hero.

It's like my favorite saying....

Autism is a journey I never planned.....
but I sure do love my tour guide

Sheeya Worth
Salem, OR