Walk in Eli's shoes. This is a day in the life of my very extraordinary son)

Mum runs the water and he laboriously washes and shaves, she gets breakfast ready.
She shouts "HURRY UP! You've been twenty five minutes already!" He can't understand? Where has the time gone
he's tried his hardest!
He loves breakfast, he lets his mind flit from this to that and back again until he hears "HURRY UP!"
Dressings very challenging.....is this the right way round? Or that? Buttons are a no no and buckles? Ha!
Another thirty minutes. Mum does the socks; somehow they just WON'T go on! Teeth too....Why can't he brush them?
He is so frustrated.
College awaits, learning to cook, learning to shop, money, maths and writing! Learning to cope with all the everyday
things we don't give a jot about, like ordering a coffee in the café or summoning up the courage to tell the bus driver you
want to get off.
Coping with the student who shouts...."Oi ----head come here!" Yes? He sais.....Can I help? To loud guffaws, pointing
and nudging and winking.....He's different you see, his world is almost flat, black is black and white is white....innuendo's?
What are they?
The boy is referring to him, so he answered, the only way he knew how, politely.
Not ONE mean spirited, sly, aggressive or manipulative bone in his body. THANK GOODNESS.
Though sadly he's not stupid....he knows.
Every day is a struggle, apart from getting his hands to do just what his brain is telling them, he must also learn to read
between the lines, not everyone mean what they say and sadly the older he gets, expectation is higher and the harder
it gets.
I wish you could walk....just ONE day in his shoes.

Tracy Heathfield
Gloucester, United Kingdom