War is over

It amazes me the changes, our innocent child, has gone from being on death's doorstep to one of the best you could ever ask for. Allen will be 18 on Saturday. We have been waiting for this moment for the past 18 years.
Allen was rushed to the hospital at 10 days old and put in a coma for 2 days because it was Christmas Eve and the usual Hospital staff was on Christmas Break. His left lung blown up so full it collapses his right lung, pushing his heart and trachea to the opposite side of his chest.
There was no Christmas that year. Just days and days of no sleep. The day after Christmas Allen received surgery to his lower left lung, removing it. The valve was stiff and taking in air but, was unable to release it, blowing it up like a balloon, causing damage.
It took him 5 days to open his eyes and 2 weeks before coming home. The breathing tube had irritated his throat. When he came home we had to turn the baby monitor up full blast to be able to hear his different breathing sounds just to know his was crying. He was burped on his butt due to the incision on his back that went from his left side all the way around to the middle of his back. He had nebulizer treatments and fluid in his lungs. The oxygen deprivation he suffered affected him in more ways than anyone would of know… intellectually. Allen had more than a stiff valve in his lung. Along with intellectual deficits, he has autism as well. Year after year we did the home therapies, school services, agencies, and anything we could do to improve on his head banging, drooling, sensory problems, fine motor problems, and of his global developmental delays.
After 18 years I have finally been able to step back and say, we did it. He is the result of hard work and we thank him from the bottom of our heart for being the best kid, anyone could ever known. Happy Birthday!

Diana Barkley~Grandmother
North Lawrence, NY