Watch me follow my DREAMS!!

My name is William A. Sanchez. Was born of Christmas Day 2009. I was diagnosed with autism at 18 months of age. My mother had to stop working a few months ago for me to continue getting my therapies. I get occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy and soon to have ABA at home.

I recently started attending school but my first day of school was not easy. I didn't know how to make friends. The kids saw me different and they began to stay away from me. My mother had to hold me down and keep me quiet just to get through a reading story. At snack time I didn't eat any of the food only a piece of banana. Yea I was hard but I know that with my moms help I will be able to complete anything the teachers ask me.

My father is in the military. He was deployed last year to Japan. I was not aware until I notice he wasn't sleeping in his bed for many days. 7 months went by without a hug from daddy. But now that he's home I hug him every day and I do better in my therapies. I have dreams just like you! Whatever this thing is.. I won't let it get in my way.

My parents love me & I love them too!

William A. Sanchez
Compton, CA