Watching you grow, summer after summer.

My name is Kaity Meagher & for 9 hours a day, each day in the summer, I am a one-on-one camp counselor to Ryan, a vivacious seven-year-old NASCAR and Mario obsessed boy with Autism. The amount of time I’ve spent with Ryan in two summers so far, has shown me more of him than I had ever imagined I could discover. Ryan is energetic yet spontaneous, eager yet hesitant, and driven yet limited, which then can lead to frustration, screaming, hitting, crying, and the occasional meltdown. But despite the challenges, each day with him is a dazzling adventure. I never spend a single day bored when I am with Ryan; he keeps me on my toes while laughing and smiling all the way. I love the way he says his sister’s name “Cah-wo-wine.” I love his face when he accomplishes something he didn’t think he could do, and the tears that come to his eyes because he is so shocked yet so proud of himself. I love his hugs, the way his voice hitches when he’s excited, and the way he can stun complete strangers with his incredible reading skills and his unlimited memory. I love that I am able to understand every single stim, every action he does, and the reasons why he does them. I love the way he pulls my face towards him when he wants me to look at him and tell him more (if he has to give me his eyes while we’re talking, why don’t I!) Watching Ryan grow in just two summers was an experience that I will treasure, but will build upon summer after summer when our adventure continues on, year after year. Ryan has taught me what true determination and perserverance is. Each and everyday he works so incredibly hard to be the best that he can be, despite all of the distractions that try to consume his mind. I will always be inspired by him, and I can not wait to see what the future holds for the both of us. Ryan truly holds a special place in my heart.

Kaity Meagher
Oceanside, NY