We are all the same!

Meet Dryw, he was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome at the age of six at the age of six. Before his diagnosis we were told often by doctors that he was just spoiled. Then it happened. As we were driving down the road he tried to jump in the vehicle because it was time for his favorite television show. We had told the doctor that he would often have fits and almost hang himself in his car seat when we travel different paths to familiar places. Almost jumping out of the car got us the attention we needed from the doctors. This was only one of the battles we had to fight as we ventured to get through the help she needed. He often had to deal with tormenting comments from school bullies. He realized he was different from the other kids. His differences made him who he is an awesome young man. Although Dryw was not valedictorian this year he wrote his own speech for graduation.

He wrote: "Although I am not an athlete like Matthew Crawford, Ben Lentz or Jeff Schlicker or smart like Artie Patel or Chloe King or both like Seth Malcolm, in elementary school we were all of the kids that didn't know our ABC's number 123's. Sure some of us were what you would call smart but we were all the same. Are all the same from start to finish. So going Maybel me as a nobody, loser or an idiot. We made great friends and lost some on the way. That changed us, That made us who we are, we are all the class of 2014. So if you call me those you are calling yourself those names. Because in the end we all the same we are the class of 2014."

Amazingly true!

Patricia Lee
Standish, MI