we are brothers. we are autism.

These two little squirts may look different because their skin colors are not the same, but a couple of things they do have in common are their autism and their mommy! There is much to much to write in order to tell of each of their journeys, but I'll give some interesting facts about both. Ryan was born at a whopping 9lbs 4oz and other than his 6th finger, was healthy:) he was a smidge behind developmentally, except for speech where he was much further behind. He was very sick as baby/toddler so unfortunately his development wasn't my top concern. At 3 he began OT and speech where a therapist began hinting he may have autism. He did begin communicating and talking at 4 and a VERY long story short, he was diagnosed at 5 with PDD-NOS, ADHD, OCD and dyslexia. He is now 7 and still displays autistic characteristics such as meltdowns, speaks in the third person, anti-social with his peers, etc. However, he's growing to be such a beautiful individual and never gives up. He has a passion for music and a heart of gold (with a dash of red, blue and green and may even resemble a puzzle piece). ;) our little Hunter was born at 7lbs 2oz with a perfect delivery. He began showing signs much sooner and the signs were much more prominent tan Ryan's. Another long story short, He started rolling his wrists at 2 months, which later turned into hand flapping and still does not talk. He will be 4 this year. They have 2 different fathers of 2 different races and neither were vaccinated. Both pregnancies went well. "Why" is a question that often pops into my head, but only on bad days when things seem too much to bare. Bad days are fewer and further between the more i understand them and their autism. It has been a long journey with alot more obstacles to come, but it has been very rewarding in return. They have a very different bond that only they, themselves understand. They are brothers, they are autism.

reyna Walters
Hudson, FL