We are celebrating 10 Years of Autism Sunday in 2012

When we launched Autism Sunday from our home in the United Kingdom in 2002 we never ever thought that in 2012 we will be celebrating the 10th Anniversay of this event. We are parents and carers of Charin who is 16 years old and has autism. He is a wonderful son and we thank God for his life.

We are just parents and carers, we don't have vast sums of money for expensive public relations and marketing campaigns and that is why we are so amazed that this small mustard seed has grown into a huge big tree and it has become a global event. This is because Autism Sunday comes from the heart. For us, autism is a 24 hour job.

Life is hard but we thank God on a daily basis - for our son. He has changed our lives for the better. My son has made me get out of my comfort zone and campaign for autism. As his father I am so very proud of him - those little steps have become huge milestones. We take one day at a time but we have seen the progress he is making. He has brought us hope.

This year we are urging people to join us on the Autism Sunday 2012 Twitter Storm and celebrate the lives of 67 million people with autism around the world.

As far as we are aware autism has never ever been a trending subject on twitter and we hope that people from right across the globe will support all people with autism by using the hashtag #autismsunday on twitter. People with autism are very special and we think it is right to celebrate their lives.

Ivan Corea
London, United Kingdom