What Is True Love?

Our story begins a little over 8 years ago when the Lord blessed me with my son Presley. I new something was different when he was about 2, but just kept getting the oh boys will be boys thing.
Biting issues spanning way to long, escaping 3 day cares, darting off with no fear at all, no communication (only sign language), eventually talking via movies he would watch and trying to make sense of it, biting his nails till they bleed, screaming in frustration because I did not know what he needed, self harming, wondering where he would go to when he stared off in space, I begged for help.
A few wonderful teachers and we began the doctors visits. Too many to count, countless different medications (never thought I would be one of "those Moms"). But Presley showed me it was okay to reach out, to seek help, to be different. Even thought he would never know he was, different that is.
I researched Aspergers/Autism as he started preschool and I realized what a roller coaster ride we had ahead of us.
I had a lot to learn, more than I ever thought I could handle.
But there was this boy that no matter what shows me true love everyday. I wish everyone had a chance to be loved by Presley. You would never settle for anything less. He is my guardian angel sent here to spread love and joy to everyone that meets him. I thank the Lord everyday for thinking I was good enough to be his Mom!
Presley's story is not over, everyday I learn something new because of him. He has opened my heart in ways I never new were possible. As long as we are on this journey together, nothing can stop us.

Julie Tremble
Midland, VA