Was diagnosed in 2010 with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma! Had Chemo & Radiation 3 times over period of 8 years. Aug. of 2018 discovered a painful lump in right breast. Saw my Oncologist, sent me for mammogram & ultrasound. Mammogram showed nothing; tech could not find the lump on the ultrasound. Told her where to look and to press hard even though it would hurt me. She finally saw it. Biopsy was taken, said Stage 1, 1/2cm . Went in to have it removed, found out that it was Stage 3 and 7cm in size. Surgeon recommended radical mastectomy. Had it done, Radiologist said was all over wall of chest, so they had to go deeper, but still evidence of cancer present. Ended up with 6 weeks of radiation treatments twice a day. Am still in recovery, but upset that over the years of mammograms, they have not caught it. My oncologist went back to review all my past PET scans & CT scans, purposely was looking at my breast rather than the lymph node areas....he then told me that he did see evidence of something showing and progressing. Unfortunately, the Radiologists that read all my scans did not bring that detail to the attention of my oncologist. Had this been done, I may very well still have my right breast and I would not be so disfigured. My advice to all women, is....PLEASE examine yourself EVERY DAY!!! If a mammogram shows any little thing, no matter how little of an abnormality..go see your doctor and request a PET or CT Scan to be sure. God be with you all. I am a fighter! I am Woman! If you find you have cancer, a good attitude helps you heal. Be a survivor.
Molly Reiser, Ferndale, MIFERNDALE, MI