In 1963 my father was diagnosed with type 1, they had no home machines to test your sugar then he had to "feel" his way through his disease. It was also thought back then that it "skipped" a generation. In 1981, my sister was diagnosed. In 1989, i was diagnosed and in 2000, my brother. We will focus on my story...I grew up watching my father test his sugar and listening to my mother try to talk him into taking better care of himself. My dad, my brother and i were all in the car on our way home from my grandparents house when a truck came across the double yellow line and slammed into us head on. I broke my nose on my brothers head and shoved his face into the gear shift. He had an eye injury and my dad was just shaken up. We thought we had gotten off pretty well considering that both cars were totaled. 2 days later i was using the bathroom and drinking water like crazy! I was diagnosed type 1 at the age of 9! No generation skipping here. Hoping for a cure in my lifetime! Just want to see it Happen!
AmandaHanover, PA