i was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 11. i was struggling with it for 19 years didn't look after myself properly. had a needle phobia as a result i damaged my nerves in my feet. i had eye problems just last April i i got kidney failure. i was on dialysis for 8 months. so my kidney specialist put me on the waiting list for a kidney & pancreas transplant. i got a call on the 28/3/13 & they told me they found a match. it's been a month now that i have done the transplant. i have no more diabetes & kidney problems they are both working a 100%. i feel so blessed that i got this opportunity & i do still prey to god that they find a cure soon for this illness because i know how tough it is to live with i got it at a young age & if it wasn't for my kidney failure i would of never got this opportunity.
sydney, Australia