For nearly two decades I horribly mistreated my body in an effort to stay thin. I truly believed that having type 1 diabetes meant I had to make a decision between having tight blood sugar control (taking appropriate amounts of insulin) and having a thin and healthy body.
Because I was diagnosed at 12, I was preoccupied with my body and developed a combination of eating disorders.
I used disgusting strategies like binging and purging, skipping shots, not eating for days and working out like a fanatic to keep my frame lean and thin. However, this wreaked havoc on my blood sugars and A1c levels. Eventually I began to look sick, puffy and felt terrible.
In college my A1c was over 14. It wasn't until I was denied going into the piece core and my "go to strategies" to stay thin stopped being so effective that I decided I needed to find a formula that would allow tight blood sugar control and also keep my body at a weight I desired..
I searched the Internet far and wide with no viable solutions; everyone kept saying take more insulin and get better control. This, as anyone with diabetes knows, is a recipe for weight gain, inflammation and visibly looking puffy. This was not a viable option.
I decided to take matters into my own hands and make my body a testing ground for what type of food and exercise regime would allow me to have both a fantastic body and excellent blood sugar control.
In conjunction with an M.D., a semi-pro body builder and a licensed nutritionist I finally narrowed in on a formula that took me from an A1c of over 14 to under 7 (and still getting better). I also successfully dropped 15 pounds in the process.
I have never felt or looked better and I love the idea of sharing my story with the world so all those with type 1 diabetes out there can have the tools they need to successfully live happy and healthy lives with type 1.
If I can do it, anyone can!
Tempe, AZ