My son Blake was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes on August 15, 2012, just 10 days before he started kindergarten. He spent 4 days in the hospital adjusting to his new life on insulin. He took it like a champ! It wasn't until a few weeks later that he asked, out of the blue, "when is my diabetes going to go away?" Until this question, he simply thought that he was going to get shots until he got better. I had a hard time explaining to a 5 year old that there was no "cure". Now, nine months later, he wants to grow up and be a scientist so that HE can find a cure! He pricks his own finger and tests his blood several times a day. We even let him guess how much insulin he needs since he knows what has carbs and what doesn't. He has gained so much responsibility in the last year with the burden of diabetes, but I know it is going to make him a much stronger person! I can't wait to see what he will become!
Jessica FieldsWichita Falls, TX