I just want to reach out to all diabetics out there. I was diagnosed in 1991 when I was 10 years old because it runs in my family, but since my diagnosis no one in my family has been diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. My father has it and has had it since he was 4 years old. I am now 32 years old and fight every day with my diabetes. I take care of myself as best as I can but as the years go one with this disease I am now starting to deal with some of the other effects diabetes causes. My eye sight is now suffering, my kidneys are becoming a worry to my doctor and now I feel the diabetic nerve pain in my feet and legs and deal with the constant ugly dry skin on my lower legs. I have noticed no matter how hard you do everything the doctor says something else arises with this disease. I eat as I am supposed to, check my sugar levels 6 plus times a day and take my insulin when I am supposed to, exercise. I do everything the doctor tells me to but like I said I always have something new to deal with because of this disease. I hope a cure is coming soon. I would be so happy and so would a lot of Type 1 Diabetics!
Michael Scott LearnedPhoenix, AZ