I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when I was a 9 year old energetic, carefree, oblivious to the term 'Diabetes'. Since then, it's been 23 years and I am proud to wear this fact up my sleeve that I have become 'Stronger, bolder, conscious, empathetic and socially aware' with Diabetes. I regard it as my close 'alibi' who teaches me everyday 'How to fight', 'never give-up' and being extremely 'disciplined' with my eating, exercise regime and lifestyle. And it has been a very very tough journey with my closest pal, and the journey still continues.
Over these years I have realized while it is humanly 'impossible' to accept it at times from what I was and how I have been now, but that's the reality i needed to 'accept'. I have learnt it the hard way, going from extreme hypoglycemic to hyperglycemic with none around to tell me, teach me, help me understand how to cope, until I decided to take it all by myself and gain knowledge to survive and fight out, not allowing my close pal to win over me. So, while it may still put me down every now and then with injuries, pains and other problems, it can NEVER defeat me!
Twenty-three years on, I fight daily. To survive, to adapt, to stay alive! With a guitarist and avid athlete, who used to perform and play, terms like 'Trigger finger', Achilles heel, Nephropathy, etc. became synonymous to me. I still refuse to give up my passion and continue to play (though less), write, compose, sketch, and help other diabetics to cope up with what they going through. As long as one's mind is strong, problems cannot break them! I advocate, live and practice it daily. I only wish for a cure to come up soon.
In the end, I wish love and care for all those who are affected with diabetes and want to hug all and say, "Be Strong. You are Special. Let's Fight it Out. Be Proud and Stand TALL", because the story won't end here.
Hyderabad, India