I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes 20 years ago. In that time, I've had ups and downs - mostly high BG levels. Last year my family doctor sent me to an endocrinologist. That's when I decided I needed to acknowledge this disease. My endocrinologist surprised me - she wasn't judgmental at all. Instead, she told me to count my carbs - 45 per meal. It worked wonders! My numbers came down and my A1C was the best I've had.
But then the holidays came and I wasn't as careful about counting carbs. That's when my BG levels went haywire. I started being careful about what I ate and got back on the 45 carbs per meal, but it wasn't working as it had before. The curious thing was that three of my co-workers who have Type 2 diabetes were also getting high readings. I kept sending my logs to my endocrinologist and she changed my meds around, added new ones, removed old ones, but a strange thing happened; my fasting blood sugars in the morning were high, while my bedtime readings were drastically lower! More med adjustments followed.
I joined a blog online for Type 2 diabetics, but so many were striving for tight control, while I just wanted to get my FBG within my doctor's prescribed range. I had resisted any exercise in the past few years because of arthritis in my back and knees, but many of the people on that website spoke of how much they exercised, so I decided to I start moving more. Now I try to walk up and down a few flights of stairs at my job once or twice a day and I'm beginning to see lower numbers now.
What's important is not to give up!
Lancaster, PA