At the start of May this year 2013, our beautiful 8 month old girl got unwell, with what seemed like a vomiting bug. We took her to her doctor who agreed that it looked like a bug and advised that we kept an eye on her. During the evening Isabella picked up a bit and was smiling and babbling away but at 10.30 that night she got really sick again and wouldn't stop vomiting and got very drowsy. I took her to our local emergency room where they said the same as our doctor that it looked like a bug but they would admit Isabella overnight to keep an eye on her. A lovely lady doctor came in to take blood from her and couldnt get any veins and at that point Isabella just collasped. She was rushed up to intensive care were they managed to get blood from her and it showed that her sugar levels were very high along with high ketones levels, our beautiful girl had ketoacidosis. We were told she was critically ill and that the next 24 hours were going to be tough. I was told that i should ring family and when i asked if she was going to die, i was told that if i had left her another 2 - 3 hours that it would of been to late for her. She was hooked up to every kind of machine possible. After a week in intensive care our baby made a fantastic turn around and got moved to a childrens ward were she stayed for the rest of the month, she is now on 5 shots a day but she is so good and takes it all in her stride, she really is a remarkable baby girl, On the 15th july coming, Isabella will be fitted with her insulin pump. She has gone through and overcome so much in her short life so far but i know that no matter what Isabella wont let Type 1 Diabetes stop her from doing anything she wants to do. I love you baby girl xx
Catriona DelaneyIreland, Ireland