It was thanksgiving of 2012 and we had just came back from spending the weekend in the mountains of East Tennessee. We had noticed that our 3 year old son Madden had been peein alot for a couple months. We had talked about it and decided we would take him to the doctor just to get him checked out. We went to the doctor and they told us that his blood sugar was really high and sent us straight to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital. They ran some test on him and we found out he had type 1 diabetes and it scared the crap out of us cuz we knew nothin about it. They gave him some insulin and sent us home. The next mornin we came back to Vanderbilt for some schooling on diabetes and was able to get a better understanding about diabetes. Since then we have learned alot and met some other families of kids with diabetes. Madden has been doin great about checking his finger everyday and takin his shots. The hardest thing is snack time and him wantin stuff that has too many carbs in it but over all he has been doin great. We have been lookin at puttin him on a pump so we go back to Vanderbilt in 3 months to see about gettin him on one. I'm kinda nervous about puttin him on one cuz I'm just not sure how it will be with a 3 year old carrying around a pump at daycare but from everyone we have talked to they say it was the best thing they have done. But overall Madden has been doin great with his diabetes.
Dusty GravensLebanon, TN