8 years ago I was diagnosed with a pancreatic tumor the size of a grapefruit. After a long road and a brilliant surgeon, I am still here but insulin dependent. :0(. It has been a mental struggle, 5 shots a day and endless testing. I am at a point now , I am tired of it all. Don't want to test, inject or count carbs I want to be normal. Just recently my best friend who was type 2 diabetic under went gastric surgery to lose weight and get healthy. I couldn't be happier for her , she has an A1C of 5.0 now, she was able to reverse it !!! Wtg BFF! Why do I feel resentful, I can never reverse my diabetes!! I hate it and sometimes you just want say "that's it I am done". Thank for letting me have my pity party.
AnonymousAnytown, NJ