When I was 7 years old, I ran into my brother’s head, and it knocked me out. The next few days I was acting weird, so my parents took to the hospital, and it was discovered I had diabetes.
I started on NPH insulin twice a day, and learned how to give myself a shot (glass syringe and long needles at that time). During grade school, I would have reactions, and those were the really bad reactions convulsing on the floor, until I was given some food to bring me out of it.
I always seem to come out of them, and nothing serious happened to me because of a reaction. I did graduate from school, and eventually got a factory job, and worked there for 11 years, until another better job became available, and I took that. I spent 25 more years working in that factory, until I was laid off, and when I returned, they placed me in a job I couldn’t handle. I would have low blood sugars, and they wouldn’t let me check it.
I was on Lispro for a while, but made my blood pressure drop, and I would faint. I was switched to Lantus, however after a few years; I also fainted again and had to fine a different solution. After this, I was switched to a Medtronic Insulin pump, and that has worked well for me for the last 12 years or so.
My last 3 HA!C’s have been 6.8. Not bad for a diabetic of 53 years.
I do have sleep apnea, and do use a C-pap for this condition.
When I returned to work, and they wouldn’t let me check my blood sugars, I went on their disability coverage, and eventually did go on Social Security Disability. I’ve been on that now for about 2 years.
Take care, and I’ll keep pumping away!
Sincerely, Marvin Waid
Belding, MI