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End The Brutal Slaughter Of Kangaroos For High-End Fashion

598 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

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Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Millions of kangaroos are suffering in brutal night hunts for luxury leather products—take action now to end this cruelty and protect these iconic animals from senseless slaughter.

Every year, more than two million wild kangaroos are hunted and killed in Australia to meet global demand for “k-leather” – leather made from kangaroo skin. This brutal trade supplies high-end soccer cleats and other products, driving the largest commercial slaughter of land-based wild animals in the world1. As one of Australia’s most iconic species, the kangaroo deserves protection from such inhumane treatment.

The Cruel Reality Behind Kangaroo Leather

The methods used to kill kangaroos are heart-wrenching. Hunters strike at night, blinding them with spotlights before firing. This practice often leaves kangaroos to die slowly from non-fatal wounds, causing prolonged suffering2. Joeys found in their mothers' pouches face their own grisly fate: they are bludgeoned to death, or left to die from starvation or exposure if they survive the initial kill3. Despite these horrors, Australia continues to allow this trade, subjecting millions of kangaroos to unimaginable cruelty.

U.S. Demand Fuels the Slaughter

The United States has become one of the largest importers of kangaroo leather, primarily driven by demand from the soccer industry4. Brands like Adidas, Nike, and New Balance have used kangaroo leather for decades due to its durability and lightweight properties, particularly for soccer cleats. However, public awareness and outrage have already pushed some major brands to eliminate k-leather from their product lines. Nike, Puma, and New Balance announced plans to stop using kangaroo leather, setting an important precedent for ethical sourcing5.

The Kangaroo Protection Act: A Call for Change

The newly introduced Kangaroo Protection Act by Senators Tammy Duckworth and Cory Booker would ban the sale and manufacturing of kangaroo leather products in the United States, aiming to reduce demand for k-leather and end the suffering inflicted on these animals4. By supporting this legislation, the U.S. would join a global movement toward cruelty-free alternatives, signaling to other countries that animals should never be sacrificed for fashion.

Compassion in Action

Efforts to phase out k-leather have already taken root in places like California, which banned kangaroo products in the 1970s3. The Kangaroo Protection Act would build on these efforts, helping to protect kangaroos from the inhumane practices that support this industry. It would also place the U.S. on the forefront of animal welfare legislation, encouraging more humane practices in manufacturing.

The time for change is now. Compassion and respect for the natural world are values that should guide our choices as a society. By taking action to end the slaughter of kangaroos for leather, we can protect a vulnerable species from needless suffering and stand for a more ethical approach to commerce. Your support can make a difference, not only for the kangaroos, but for the future of humane legislation in the United States.

Add your voice to this critical cause. Sign the petition to support the Kangaroo Protection Act and help end the use of kangaroo leather products once and for all.

More on this issue:

  1. NPR (24 January 2023), "Oregon Lawmaker Introduces a Bill That Would Ban the Sale of Kangaroo Parts."
  2. Karen Lapizco, World Animal News (20 September 2024), "End the Slaughter: Critical Bill Introduced to Ban U.S. Sales of Kangaroo Skin Products."
  3. Liz Cabrera Holtz, World Animal Protection (16 May 2024), "It’s Time to Ban the Sale of Kangaroo Leather."
  4. Laura Ewan, Fashion Dive (20 September 2024), "Kangaroo Leather Ban Introduced in U.S. Senate."
  5. Paul Healey, Species Unite (25 September 2024), "Senators Introduce U.S. Bill That Will Ban the Sale of Products Made of Kangaroo Skin."
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The Petition:

To U.S. Senators Tammy Duckworth and Cory Booker,

We, the undersigned, write to express our strong support for the Kangaroo Protection Act, which would ban the sale and manufacture of products derived from kangaroo skin in the United States. As one of the most beloved symbols of Australia’s unique wildlife, the kangaroo should not endure suffering on such an immense scale to satisfy global demand for luxury leather.

Each year, more than two million kangaroos are slaughtered for their skin, driving one of the largest commercial kills of land-based wild animals. These animals are often hunted at night, subjected to cruel and inhumane methods that cause severe suffering. Non-fatal wounds result in prolonged deaths, and joeys are left to die from bludgeoning or exposure. This practice, already widely criticized, goes against the values of compassion and respect for the natural world that we, as a society, strive to uphold.

By passing the Kangaroo Protection Act, you will protect kangaroos from such needless exploitation and encourage manufacturers to adopt cruelty-free alternatives to kangaroo leather. Leading brands like Nike, Puma, and New Balance have already committed to moving away from k-leather. Your efforts will help push other companies to follow suit and eliminate the demand for these products, promoting ethical choices for consumers and industries alike.

Together, we can take a significant step toward a future in which our actions reflect a shared responsibility to treat animals with dignity and care. With your leadership, this bill can prevent further suffering and set an example for compassionate legislation worldwide. Thank you for championing this important cause, and for working to ensure a better future for all.


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