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Stop Wisconsin’s Wildlife Massacre — Protect Animals from Poachers

877 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

2.92% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Over 100 deer have been ruthlessly slaughtered, their bodies abandoned—demand justice and ensure Wisconsin’s wildlife is protected from brutal poachers who show no regard for life.

A deer poaching ring, recently uncovered in Fond du Lac, Dodge, and Washington counties, has revealed a shocking disregard for the lives of over 100 deer. Authorities believe that over the last year, this illegal operation stretched across nearly 200 square miles, resulting in the brutal deaths of deer left to rot, often with their heads taken as trophies1. This case has rocked our state and shines a light on the need for greater respect and protection for our wildlife.

Reckless Hunting Practices with Brutal Consequences

The suspects, a group that includes three teenagers and one adult, used high-powered rifles and spotlights to hunt these deer at night2. They shot from vehicles, striking deer and abandoning carcasses. Evidence shows that in at least one instance, a suffering animal was brought into a home, where it was recorded and left to die3. The level of brutality here is deeply concerning, not just to hunters who follow ethical practices, but to everyone who values humane treatment of animals.

Lack of Resources Threatens Wildlife Protection

Our state’s Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) is stretched thin, handling an increasing number of poaching cases with limited resources. In the case of the recent poaching ring, it was vigilant community members who tipped off authorities. But even with public help, tracking down and convicting poachers is challenging without proper funding, support, and resources for enforcement teams4.

Weak Penalties Allow Poachers to Persist

The penalties for poaching in Wisconsin also do little to deter these crimes. Without serious consequences, there is a high risk that poachers will continue their illegal activities, further endangering our wildlife. Current penalties simply don’t reflect the severity of these crimes. Stronger penalties for those convicted of poaching would show that Wisconsin values its wildlife and doesn’t tolerate the kind of reckless disregard for life that has recently come to light5.

Taking a Stand for Responsible Wildlife Management

Our ecosystems depend on healthy deer populations, which contribute to natural balance and help sustain a thriving hunting community. Ethical hunters and conservationists in our state believe in practices that respect the animals they harvest. Poaching not only disrupts this balance but also undermines the principles of responsible hunting. If we don’t act, cases like this could become more frequent, putting additional pressure on an already fragile natural ecosystem6.

Sign the Petition to Protect Wisconsin’s Wildlife

The time to protect Wisconsin’s wildlife is now. By calling for greater resources for the WDNR and stronger penalties for poachers, we can stand together to defend our state’s deer and other wildlife from those who would do them harm.

Sign our petition today to demand that the WDNR take decisive action to combat illegal hunting and poaching in Wisconsin. Together, we can ensure a future where our wildlife is respected and preserved for generations to come.

More on this issue:

  1. Chad Thompson, WQOW (1 August 2024), "Wisconsin sheriff investigating possible large scale deer poaching scheme."
  2. Nick Witwer, We Are Green Bay (1 August 2024), "Wisconsin authorities uncover multi-county large-scale deer poaching scheme."
  3. Mariana La Roche, WISN (11 October 2024), "Wisconsin deer poaching ring uncovered: Over 100 animals killed."
  4. Travis Hall, Field & Stream (5 August 2024), "Authorities investigate Wisconsin poaching ring."
  5. Mike Leischner, WSAU (12 October 2024), "Possible deer poaching ring uncovered in the Fox Valley."
  6. Derek Lawson, Hoodline (12 October 2024), "Four arrested from Campbellsport in alleged Wisconsin wildlife poaching and torture ring."
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The Petition:

To the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources,

We, the undersigned, urge the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) to take stronger action against the illegal hunting and poaching that threaten our state’s wildlife. Recent incidents involving the brutal and indiscriminate killing of deer across Fond du Lac, Dodge, and Washington counties have highlighted a critical need for both heightened awareness and tougher measures to protect Wisconsin’s natural heritage.

Wisconsin’s rich wildlife plays an essential role in our ecosystems and community identity. It is devastating to see these animals suffer due to unethical and illegal practices that show a clear disregard for life and humane principles. We call on the WDNR to improve resources dedicated to tracking, investigating, and preventing poaching crimes by expanding surveillance, empowering local communities to report violations, and increasing enforcement capacity. Additionally, we believe it is crucial to raise the penalties for those convicted of poaching and related crimes. Harsher penalties will act as a stronger deterrent and reflect the severity of these offenses.

Through increased compassion and humanity in our approach to wildlife management, we can cultivate a deep respect for the animals who share our state and support ethical, legal hunting practices that protect both nature and our communities.

By taking these actions, the WDNR can ensure a safer, more respectful, and ecologically balanced future for all who call Wisconsin home. We stand together in support of our state’s wildlife and respectfully urge you to take these essential steps for the betterment of our communities and our environment.


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