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Protect Angkor’s Innocent Monkeys from Exploitation on YouTube

1,029 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

3.43% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Angkor’s sacred monkeys are suffering from exploitation by so-called 'influencers' seeking profit. Act now to stop the cruelty!

The ancient temples of Angkor Wat are not only a symbol of Cambodia’s rich cultural heritage but also home to a unique and delicate ecosystem, including the long-tailed macaques that have roamed these sacred grounds for centuries.

However, these monkeys, once revered and respected, are now being subjected to horrific abuse by individuals seeking online fame and fortune.

The Reality of Abuse

In the pursuit of views, some YouTubers have resorted to disturbing and cruel tactics. Monkeys at the Angkor UNESCO World Heritage Site are being manipulated and harmed in the most shocking ways imaginable.

Videos have surfaced showing baby monkeys being held by the neck and repeatedly doused in water as they struggle to escape. In another clip, a juvenile macaque is abused for the camera, with no regard for its well-being. These acts of cruelty are not just isolated incidents but part of a growing trend where animals are exploited purely for profit1.

The impact on these monkeys is devastating. Instead of living freely in their natural habitat, they are being treated as mere props for entertainment. These animals, which should be foraging and interacting within their social groups, are now becoming dependent on human handouts. This dependency has altered their natural behavior and increased aggression, leading to a rise in attacks on tourists2.

The situation has escalated to the point where the monkeys are causing damage to the very temples they call home, pulling away pieces of ancient structures in their search for food3.

The Urgent Need for Action

APSARA, the authority responsible for managing the Angkor site, has begun investigating these cases, but their efforts alone are not enough. The perpetrators of these acts often remain hidden behind the camera, making it difficult to hold them accountable.

Even when platforms like YouTube and Facebook remove graphic content, countless other videos continue to circulate, perpetuating the cycle of abuse. This ongoing exploitation is not just a violation of animal rights but a threat to the integrity of one of the world’s most cherished heritage sites4.

The solution lies in stronger enforcement of existing laws and the implementation of stricter regulations. APSARA must be empowered to take decisive legal action against those who harm these monkeys. Surveillance and monitoring need to be increased, and there must be a concerted effort to educate the public—both locals and tourists—on the importance of respecting the natural inhabitants of Angkor.

Your Voice Matters

The time to act is now. By signing this petition, you are standing up for the protection of Angkor’s monkeys and the preservation of Cambodia’s cultural heritage. These animals cannot speak for themselves, but we can amplify their voices. Together, we can ensure that Angkor remains a place of reverence and respect, not a site of exploitation and cruelty.

Join us in demanding that APSARA take immediate and strong action to protect these innocent creatures. Sign the petition today and be part of the solution to end this senseless abuse.

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The Petition:

To the Authority for the Protection of the Site and Management of the Region of Angkor (APSARA),

We, the undersigned, are deeply concerned about the ongoing exploitation and abuse of the monkeys at the Angkor UNESCO World Heritage Site. These innocent animals, once symbols of the sacred and the natural beauty of Angkor, are now being manipulated and harmed by those seeking to profit from their suffering on platforms like YouTube.

This situation is a grave violation of both the sanctity of this world-renowned heritage site and the principles of conservation and humanity that APSARA is dedicated to upholding. The abuse not only endangers the lives of these monkeys but also damages the cultural and environmental integrity of Angkor, a site of profound global importance.

We urgently call upon APSARA to implement stricter regulations and enforce serious consequences for those who exploit and harm the monkeys at Angkor. This includes taking decisive legal action against those responsible, increasing surveillance and monitoring of activities involving wildlife, and educating both locals and tourists on the importance of respecting the natural inhabitants of the region.

Conservation is not just about preserving physical structures; it is about protecting the living beings that contribute to the unique ecosystem and cultural heritage of Angkor. By taking swift and strong action, APSARA can set a powerful precedent for the protection of wildlife at heritage sites worldwide, ensuring that these sacred grounds remain a place of reverence and respect for all living creatures.

These actions will not only safeguard the welfare of Angkor’s monkeys but will also preserve the integrity of this UNESCO World Heritage Site for future generations. By ensuring a humane and responsible approach to conservation, APSARA can secure a better future for both the animals and the people who cherish this extraordinary site.


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