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Act Now Before Heat Destroys Our Transit Systems and Endangers Lives

570 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

1.90% Complete

Sponsor: The Hunger Site

America's transportation systems are collapsing under extreme heat, leaving vulnerable communities stranded and at risk. Call for action before this crisis costs even more lives.

America’s transportation infrastructure is collapsing. Record-breaking heatwaves are ravaging our roads, railways, and public transit systems, leaving millions stranded and at risk. These systems, built for a climate that no longer exists, are crumbling under the pressure of soaring temperatures. The effects of climate change are undeniable, and our nation’s outdated infrastructure is failing to keep up.

In 2024, Amtrak and New Jersey Transit were forced to cancel and delay service as extreme heat caused electrical systems and overhead wires to fail, stranding thousands of commuters in the sweltering heat1. Heat not only slows down trains but warps tracks, putting passengers at risk of derailments. The same happens to roads, with highways in Utah and Wisconsin buckling under relentless sun, causing miles of detours and leaving drivers stuck for hours2.

And it’s not just the infrastructure that’s suffering. Our communities—especially the most vulnerable—are feeling the heat. Low-income families and communities of color, who rely heavily on public transportation, are exposed to life-threatening temperatures at unshaded bus stops and train stations. In Phoenix, bus stops have reached temperatures as high as 160 degrees Fahrenheit, creating dangerous conditions for anyone waiting in the sun3. This is a life-threatening situation that demands immediate action.

We Can’t Wait for Another Crisis

These issues are not new, but the worsening climate crisis is making them impossible to ignore. Our infrastructure, built decades ago, was never designed to withstand the extreme conditions we now face. Planes struggle to take off on softening tarmacs, trains must slow down or risk derailment, and cars are breaking down on heat-damaged roads. If we don’t act, these problems will only worsen.

Public transportation is a lifeline for millions of Americans. Yet the very systems designed to keep us moving are now trapping us in dangerous, inescapable conditions. Communities that have historically been neglected—urban areas with little green space, low-income neighborhoods, and those affected by racist planning policies—are being hit the hardest by this failing infrastructure. Without immediate action, we risk leaving millions of Americans behind, stuck in increasingly hostile environments.

It’s Time to Invest in Climate-Resilient Infrastructure

The solutions are clear. Cities like London and Barcelona are already taking steps to protect their transit systems from extreme heat, using innovative technologies like natural cooling panels and AI-driven ventilation systems4. But in the U.S., we’re falling behind. We need to make bold investments in climate-resilient infrastructure—now.

We must protect public transit passengers and workers alike. This includes upgrading roads and rail lines to withstand extreme temperatures, implementing shade and cooling measures at bus stops, and ensuring transit workers aren’t risking their lives in deadly heat. We also need to harness technology, like AI, to predict and prevent service interruptions caused by weather extremes.

The need for climate resilience is not a distant issue—it’s an immediate crisis. With temperatures continuing to rise, the safety and well-being of millions of Americans are at stake. But with swift, decisive action, we can turn the tide and ensure our transportation systems can stand up to the challenges of tomorrow.

Take Action Now

Our outdated transportation infrastructure is putting lives at risk, and the time to act is now.

Sign our petition demanding the U.S. Department of Transportation invest in climate-resilient infrastructure. Together, we can protect our communities and ensure a safer future for everyone.

More on this issue:

  1. Nicole Tan, NBC News (8 July 2024), "Amid extreme heat, US infrastructure and transportation systems buckle under pressure."
  2. Megan Link, State Smart Transportation Initiative (24 July 2023), "Transportation is feeling the heat."
  3. Yuliya Dzyuban, David M. Hondula, Paul J. Coseo & Charles L. Redman, International Journal of Biometeorology (26 January 2021), "Public transit infrastructure and heat perceptions in hot and dry climates."
  4. UITP (18 August 2022), "It’s getting hot in here: how public transport is adapting to rising temperatures."
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The Petition:

To the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation,

We, the undersigned, call on the U.S. Department of Transportation to take immediate action to safeguard our nation’s transportation systems against the increasing threats posed by extreme heat. As climate change accelerates, heat waves are intensifying, with devastating consequences for our roads, railways, and public transit systems. These events have already led to deadly delays, crumbling infrastructure, and dangerous conditions for both passengers and transit workers.

This summer alone, major transit systems buckled under the heat: train tracks warped, roads cracked, and flights were grounded due to rising temperatures. Millions of Americans—especially in low-income and marginalized communities—are bearing the brunt of this crisis, with some waiting in dangerously hot environments without adequate protection. The vulnerable are being left stranded, and transit workers are exposed to life-threatening heat levels.

We need active climate change resilience now. Our infrastructure was not built for the climate of the future. To protect lives and ensure the safe, smooth operation of our transportation systems, we urge the Department of Transportation to invest in solutions that include:

  1. Upgrading and heat-proofing roads, rail lines, and public transit infrastructure.
  2. Implementing comprehensive worker protection standards for extreme heat.
  3. Expanding shade, cooling systems, and other protective measures at bus stops and train stations.
  4. Utilizing smart technologies, such as AI, to improve transit operations under extreme weather conditions.
  5. Allocating emergency funding for climate resilience projects across the transportation sector.

By taking these bold actions, we can prevent the widespread collapse of our transportation networks during extreme heat, protect the lives of the most vulnerable, and ensure that our systems are prepared for the challenges of tomorrow. Together, we can build a resilient, climate-proof infrastructure that serves all Americans and ensures a safer, better future for generations to come.


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