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Stop the Brutal Exploitation of Octopuses in Hawaii

1,107 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

3.69% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Octopuses, intelligent and sensitive creatures, are at risk of cruel exploitation in Hawaii. Act now to stop this harmful practice and protect these animals from a life of suffering.

Octopuses, among the most intelligent creatures in the sea, are now at risk of suffering in captivity. House Bill 22621 has been introduced in the Hawaii Legislature to stop the farming of these highly sensitive animals for human consumption. The bill needs our support to ensure that octopuses are protected from the cruel conditions of factory farming.

Octopuses Deserve Protection

Octopuses are remarkable beings known for their advanced problem-solving abilities, use of tools, and even emotional responses. In their natural habitats, they thrive by exploring large areas of the ocean, solving complex challenges, and interacting with their surroundings in ways we are just beginning to understand. Confining them to small tanks strips them of their freedom, leading to severe mental and physical distress2.

Kanaloa Octopus Farm's Closure

The closure of Kanaloa Octopus Farm in 2023 marked an important victory for animal advocates, but it also revealed the dangers of what could happen if octopus farming becomes widespread in Hawaii. At Kanaloa, wild-caught Hawaiian day octopuses were kept in barren tanks and subjected to breeding experiments. These breeding processes are often fatal for the animals, with no escape from the conditions imposed on them3. If we don’t act now, the suffering of octopuses in such environments will only continue.

A Chance to Stop Cruelty

House Bill 2262 is our chance to stop this cruelty before it can expand. The bill prohibits the propagation, cultivation, and harvesting of octopuses for human consumption in Hawaii, ensuring that these intelligent beings will not be subjected to the horrors of factory farming1. Under the bill, exceptions are made for research purposes and wild-caught octopuses, but farming them for food would be explicitly banned4.

Environmental Risks of Octopus Farming

The environmental impact of octopus farming is also severe. Octopuses are carnivores, requiring vast amounts of other marine life to sustain them in captivity. This puts additional pressure on already strained fish stocks and contributes to overfishing. The waste produced by these farms can pollute surrounding waters, threatening Hawaii’s delicate ecosystems5.

Hawaii has a responsibility to protect its oceans and its marine life. Octopus farming contradicts the values of conservation and respect for nature that Hawaii is known for. By passing House Bill 2262, we can take a stand for compassion, humanity, and the well-being of our environment.

Take Action Now

Octopus farming is on the rise worldwide, but we can stop it in Hawaii before it becomes entrenched. The suffering of these creatures, combined with the environmental risks, is simply too great to ignore. We need your voice to make sure Hawaii’s lawmakers understand the urgency of this issue.

Join us in calling on the Hawaii Legislature to pass House Bill 2262. Together, we can protect octopuses from a life of confinement and suffering. Sign the petition today and make your voice heard.

More on this issue:

  1. Hawaii Legislature (2024), "HB2262."
  2. Laura Lee Cascada, Every Animal Project (9 October 2022), "Octopus Farming Investigation."
  3. Claire Hamlett, Sentient Media (22 August 2023), "What Really Happened at That Controversial Octopus Farm in Hawaii."
  4. Animal Legal Defense Fund (12 February 2024), "Octopus Farming Ban."
  5. Compassion in World Farming (2024), "Octopus Factory Farming: A Recipe for Disaster."
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The Petition:

Dear Members of the Hawaii Legislature,

We, the undersigned, urge you to pass House Bill 2262, which would prohibit the propagation, cultivation, and harvesting of octopuses for human consumption. This bill represents a necessary step toward preserving Hawaii’s marine life and ensuring that our practices reflect the compassion and humanity we aspire to as a society.

Octopuses are remarkable creatures, known for their intelligence, problem-solving abilities, and emotional depth. Studies have shown that these beings experience stress, pain, and distress in captivity. Farming octopuses for food forces these intelligent animals into unnatural and confined environments, depriving them of their ability to live and thrive freely. As Hawaii values its oceans and marine life, it is our moral responsibility to protect these animals from inhumane practices that harm their well-being.

The exploitation of octopuses in farming also presents environmental risks, including pollution and overfishing to feed these carnivorous animals in captivity. Our ecosystem, already under strain, cannot withstand the additional pressures that factory farming would bring. By supporting this bill, Hawaii can lead the way in safeguarding both marine life and environmental health, ensuring we remain true to our island’s legacy of respect for nature.

Passing House Bill 2262 will send a strong message that Hawaii stands for compassion, humanity, and the protection of our ocean’s most intelligent creatures. Together, we can build a better future, one in which respect for life guides our decisions and ensures a healthier world for generations to come.


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