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Stop LA Shelters From Euthanizing Healthy Pets Due To Overcrowding

1,028 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

3.43% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

LA’s shelters are overwhelmed, euthanizing healthy pets simply due to overcrowding—sign and call for a compassionate, no-kill approach that values every animal's right to life.

Los Angeles animal shelters are overwhelmed. With animals arriving faster than they’re being adopted, shelters are making difficult choices that too often result in euthanasia, even for healthy pets. The current policies, put in place during the pandemic, now limit adoption options, further compounding overcrowding and putting thousands of animals at risk every year1.

A Crisis of Capacity

LA shelters have become overcrowded, housing almost twice their intended capacity. Euthanasia rates are also on the rise, surpassing records set back in 2022. An official audit revealed that overcrowding and staffing shortages contribute to increased euthanasia rates as shelters struggle to care for more animals than their facilities can handle2.

Animal advocates argue that this situation is dire, particularly for healthy animals who may be euthanized due to space shortages. An email from a volunteer coordinator sparked outrage after it claimed that up to 800 dogs might be euthanized if not adopted soon. While officials from LA Animal Services deny these claims, the shelter’s overcrowding is undeniable3.

Policies Under Fire

Pandemic-era restrictions, such as appointment-only visits, remain in place, limiting the number of potential adopters. Some shelters have continued these policies, arguing they protect both animals and people. Critics say this approach has backfired by reducing the number of adoptions4.

The city’s “no-kill” policy has also faced scrutiny. Though LA Animal Services claims no healthy animals are euthanized, animal rights activists disagree, accusing shelters of euthanizing animals that could have been saved. This discrepancy has stirred further debate over the department’s commitment to humane treatment5.

The Need for Humane Solutions

Animal advocates, volunteers, and residents are urging LA Animal Services to adopt humane solutions like fostering programs, adoption outreach, and an expanded spay/neuter initiative. These approaches, advocates say, could help reduce overcrowding by lowering the number of animals entering the system in the first place. Additionally, removing appointment-only policies would encourage potential adopters to engage with the animals, increasing the likelihood of finding homes for pets in need2.

This crisis demands immediate action. By signing this petition, you can help save adoptable animals from needless euthanasia. Together, we can urge LA Animal Services to adopt humane practices, prioritize adoption and fostering initiatives, and end policies that fail the city’s animals.

Sign the petition today and help us create a compassionate future for LA’s pets.

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The Petition:

To the General Manager and Board of LA Animal Services,

We, the undersigned, urge LA Animal Services to immediately cease the euthanization of healthy, adoptable pets. It is imperative that the organization realigns with a genuine “no-kill” policy, prioritizing efforts to place pets in loving homes. As animal advocates and concerned community members, we believe these animals deserve humanity, compassion, and a fair chance at finding families.

LA shelters have reached crisis levels of overcrowding, forcing difficult choices that result in unnecessary loss of life. This policy change is not merely about preserving the lives of pets but about fostering a more humane Los Angeles. By focusing on sustainable solutions like increased fostering, adoption outreach, and strengthened spay/neuter initiatives, LA Animal Services can address overcrowding without resorting to euthanasia.

We call upon you to allocate resources toward expanding these humane initiatives and to provide transparent reporting on progress toward truly becoming a no-kill system. Compassion and integrity must be at the forefront of your mission to serve our community’s most vulnerable animals.

In prioritizing the lives of these pets, LA Animal Services can create a better future for all, ensuring our shelters reflect the compassion that Angelenos hold for all living creatures.


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