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Stop The Vicious Abuse Of Terrified Sheep

1,022 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

3.41% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Innocent sheep endure fear and suffering at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. Call for an end to mutton busting and protect these vulnerable animals from unnecessary pain.

At the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair, an outdated and cruel tradition continues to place innocent animals in harm’s way. Mutton busting, an event where young children ride terrified sheep, subjects these animals to unnecessary pain, stress, and fear. Despite growing outcry from animal rights groups, the event continues to be held, ignoring the suffering it causes to the animals involved.

Sheep used in mutton busting are forced to participate in dangerous conditions. They are chased, grabbed, and ridden by children in brightly lit arenas. These innocent animals experience severe distress, trying desperately to escape their riders. Animal experts and advocates agree that sheep are particularly vulnerable to stress in such unnatural environments, often panicking as they are forced to perform for entertainment1.

The Reality of Mutton Busting

In mutton busting, children are placed on the backs of sheep and hold on as long as they can while the frightened animals attempt to flee. The stress these animals endure is immense, with signs of panic and fear being clear indicators that this practice is anything but harmless2. The sheep, unaccustomed to the chaos of the event, struggle to escape, putting themselves at risk of injury. Their natural instincts to flee show just how much distress this event causes them.

Animal rights organizations, including the Winnipeg Humane Society and Animal Justice, have called for an end to mutton busting, citing it as exploitative and cruel. They argue that forcing young sheep into these situations for human entertainment violates basic principles of compassion and kindness toward animals3. Furthermore, these advocates highlight that the practice may violate local animal welfare laws, such as Manitoba's Animal Care Act, which prohibits causing unnecessary distress to animals4.

Fairs Across the Country Are Ending This Cruel Practice

Fairs in other parts of Canada have already taken steps to end animal scrambling and mutton busting events due to the cruelty involved. Ontario, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia have all banned similar practices5. Yet, the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair continues to ignore the ethical issues surrounding mutton busting, insisting that it is an educational event that helps connect children with rural life.

This defense falls short in the face of overwhelming evidence that animals experience significant fear and pain during these events. Animal welfare advocates agree: mutton busting is not an educational opportunity; it’s a spectacle that relies on the exploitation of innocent animals for the amusement of crowds1.

It's Time to End Mutton Busting

Now is the time for the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair to align with modern values of compassion and humane treatment of animals. We can celebrate agricultural traditions without causing undue harm to living creatures. By ending mutton busting, the fair can take an important step toward creating an event that prioritizes the well-being of all participants—human and animal alike.

This is where you come in. Your voice matters in the fight to end this cruel practice. Join us in urging the organizers of the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair to stop mutton busting once and for all. By signing this petition, you’ll be sending a powerful message: compassion should always come before entertainment.

Sign the petition today to protect innocent animals from unnecessary fear and pain.

More on this issue:

  1. Kaitlyn Mitchell, Carly Peters, Tracy Munn, Animal Justice (19 March 2024), "Royal Manitoba Winter Fair Events Violate Animal Cruelty Laws."
  2. Harry Callaghan, QCountry FM (20 March 2024), "Animal Rights Groups Call for a Halt to Events at Brandon’s Winter Fair."
  3. Dave Baxter, Winnipeg Sun (20 March 2024), "Manitoba Winter Fair Downplays Accusations of Animal Cruelty."
  4. Chelsea Kemp, CBC News (20 March 2024), "Royal Manitoba Winter Fair Should Halt Inhumane Sheep Wrangling, Calf Events."
  5. Michele McDougall, Winnipeg Free Press (20 March 2024), "Winnipeg Free Press: Animal Rights Groups Take Aim at Winter Fair."
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The Petition:

To the Board of Directors of the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba and the Organizers of the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair,

We, the undersigned, respectfully call for an immediate end to the practice of mutton busting and any similar events at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair. While these events may have once been seen as entertaining, we now understand the significant pain, fear, and distress they cause to the animals involved.

Mutton busting, which involves young children riding sheep, subjects innocent animals to severe anguish. These animals, unaccustomed to such treatment, experience great stress as they are chased and forced to endure unfamiliar and terrifying conditions. The natural response of these animals—to flee and struggle—demonstrates the fear and discomfort they endure during these events. Sheep, like all sentient beings, deserve our compassion and respect, not to be treated as tools for amusement.

The time has come for the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair to reflect the values of kindness and humanity, moving away from outdated practices that exploit animals. By ending mutton busting, you will send a strong message that the fair is committed to ensuring the well-being of all creatures, and that it is dedicated to fostering empathy in future generations.

Your leadership in ending these harmful events will pave the way for a fair that celebrates agriculture and rural life without compromising the dignity and welfare of animals. This change will ensure a better future for all, where compassion and respect are at the forefront of our actions.

Thank you for considering this urgent matter.


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