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Petco: Keep Your Promise To End Rabbit Sales

1,010 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

3.37% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Thousands of rabbits face abandonment and death unless we call on Petco to permanently end rabbit sales. Sign now to protect these vulnerable pets!

Petco recently made the compassionate decision to stop selling rabbits and focus entirely on adoption. This change comes after years of pressure from animal welfare groups and the heartbreaking reality of rabbits being abandoned, neglected, or sent to already-overwhelmed shelters. While this shift is a huge victory for animal rights advocates, we need to ensure this policy becomes permanent.

Rabbits, America’s third most popular pet, are often purchased impulsively, especially around holidays like Easter. Unfortunately, many buyers aren’t prepared for the responsibilities these delicate animals require. This leads to what advocates call “bunny dumping,” where rabbits are abandoned outside, left to fend for themselves. These abandoned rabbits often face tragic fates, either becoming roadkill or falling prey to predators1.

Petco’s Decision Is a Step in the Right Direction

Petco has recognized this issue. In response to pressure from organizations like Rabbit.org, the retailer has now committed to an adoption-only model. Susanne Kogut, president of Petco Love, praised the decision, stating that it aligns with Petco’s mission to improve lives for pets and the people who love them2. But we’ve seen this before — Petco made similar promises in 1994 and 2008, only to reverse course later3.

This time, we can’t afford another reversal. Every year, thousands of rabbits are surrendered to shelters when owners realize they can’t meet the needs of their new pet. These shelters, already stretched thin, cannot handle the influx of rabbits who need homes and medical care4. The cycle of buying, abandoning, and overcrowding shelters must end now.

Let’s Make This Change Permanent

We have a chance to make a real, lasting change. Petco has demonstrated they’re listening to feedback from animal welfare organizations and their customers. Benjamin Thiele-Long, Petco’s Chief ESG Officer, stated that the company is refocusing on helping the thousands of rabbits that need homes rather than contributing to overpopulation5. This policy is a step in the right direction, but we need your help to make sure it stays in place — permanently.

Sign the Petition to Protect Rabbits

With Petco’s wide reach, their commitment to a permanent adoption-only policy can set a new industry standard. By choosing adoption over sales, Petco can help prevent the suffering of countless rabbits, showing the world that compassion should come before profit.

Sign our petition to ensure that Petco stands by this decision and commits to making the adoption-only policy permanent. Together, we can create a future where no rabbit is sold for profit and every bunny gets the loving home they deserve.

Take action today. Sign the petition below to support Petco’s permanent commitment to an adoption-only policy.

More on this issue:

  1. Kaleigh Werner, The Independent (24 September 2024), "Petco to stop selling rabbits as buyer’s remorse often leads to ‘bunny dumping."
  2. Jonathan Limehouse, USA Today (24 September 2024), "Bunny buyer's remorse leads Petco to stop selling rabbits, focus on adoption only."
  3. Rabbit.org (4 September 2024), "Press release: Petco Violates Agreement, Sells Rabbits in the Southern United States."
  4. Hamza Fahmy, Fox8 (25 September 2024), "Petco to stop selling its rabbits … again."
  5. Aidin Vaziri, San Francisco Chronicle (25 September 2024), "Petco ends rabbit sales nationwide following Bay Area protests."
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The Petition:

To the CEO of Petco,

We, the undersigned, would like to express our deep support for Petco’s recent decision to end the sale of rabbits and switch to an adoption-only model. This compassionate choice marks a crucial step toward protecting vulnerable animals and promoting responsible pet ownership. However, we urge you to solidify this policy permanently, ensuring that future changes in leadership or strategy do not reverse this ethical decision.

Rabbits, as the third most popular pet in the U.S., are often subjected to impulsive purchasing. Too many end up abandoned when buyers realize they are unprepared for the responsibilities of care. These defenseless creatures are left outdoors to face dangers like predators, accidents, and starvation, further overwhelming animal shelters across the country. The cycle of impulse buying, neglect, and abandonment must end, and Petco’s new policy is a critical step in the right direction.

By committing to a permanent adoption-only model, Petco can show that it is genuinely dedicated to animal welfare. Compassion and humanity must be at the forefront of corporate decisions, especially when the lives of innocent animals are at stake. Petco’s influence in the pet industry has the potential to set a new standard that others will follow.

We believe this decision not only helps ensure the well-being of rabbits but also reflects positively on Petco’s values. A permanent commitment to adoption will foster a brighter future for both pets and pet owners, demonstrating that Petco truly cares about making the world a better place for all living beings.

Thank you for your leadership in this important matter. We hope you will continue to stand firm in your commitment to animal welfare.


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