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Stop The Beaver Slaughter in Poland

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Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Poland is gearing up to decimate its beaver population, blaming them for floods they didn’t cause. Stand against this senseless slaughter!

Poland’s Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, has declared an unlikely enemy in the aftermath of devastating floods: beavers. Amid the destruction caused by severe rainfall across Central Europe, Tusk has blamed the animals for weakening levees, calling for swift and drastic action to remove them from flood-prone areas1.

The floods, which have killed more than 23 people and displaced thousands, have created a situation where quick solutions are in demand. But blaming beavers for these natural disasters is misguided. The Prime Minister has even encouraged local authorities to do “whatever they have to do” to protect infrastructure, promising new laws if needed2.

Why Beavers Are Not to Blame

Despite these claims, experts insist that beavers are not responsible for exacerbating floods. Environmental biologist Andrzej Czech called Tusk’s remarks “nonsense,” explaining that beavers, by creating wetlands, actually help control water flow and reduce flooding risks1. Only a small percentage of beaver habitats cause problems, and solutions like reinforcing levees with mesh, rather than killing animals, are more effective and humane.

Beavers play a crucial role in Poland’s ecosystem by creating wetlands, which absorb excess water and slow down river flows. These natural processes help manage water levels in times of heavy rain3. Culling these animals, as Tusk proposes, would not only harm the environment but also weaken Poland’s flood prevention strategies in the long term.

A Humane Solution Is Possible

Wildlife advocates have suggested practical, non-lethal alternatives to the beaver cull. Gerhard Schwab, a Bavarian wildlife manager, has successfully protected flood-prone areas by using wire mesh to prevent beavers from burrowing into levees. He insists that killing these animals is unnecessary and that better infrastructure management can protect both communities and wildlife4.

In Poland, beavers are a protected species. Allowing widespread culling would roll back decades of progress in wildlife conservation. Furthermore, beavers help support biodiversity, and their presence has led to healthier ecosystems across Europe5.

We Must Act Now

Tusk’s call for aggressive action against beavers has raised concerns that political pressures, especially from farming and hunting groups, are influencing these decisions. These groups have long argued that beavers harm crops and fields, but experts maintain that these conflicts can be addressed without resorting to violence2.

Poland faces a crucial moment. Do we choose quick, harmful solutions that target innocent wildlife? Or do we pursue compassionate, effective alternatives that protect both our infrastructure and the environment? The choice is clear.

Beavers do not deserve to be scapegoated for the failings of flood management systems. If Poland continues down this path, it risks causing irreversible damage to its ecosystems while ignoring better solutions that benefit both people and animals.

Take Action Today

We cannot stand by and let this happen. Poland’s beavers need your voice. By signing this petition, you will join the fight to stop the needless targeting of beavers and call for humane, sustainable flood management solutions. Together, we can protect these vital animals and ensure that future flood prevention strategies are built on sound science and compassion.

Sign the petition now to stop the cull and save Poland’s beavers.

More on this issue:

  1. Csongor Körömi, Politico (24 September 2024), "Poland’s Donald Tusk declares war on beavers."
  2. John Oyewale, Daily Caller (26 September 2024), "‘Do Whatever You Have To Do’: Polish PM Donald Tusk Declares War On Beavers In Win For Farmers, Hunters."
  3. Krzysztof Mularczyk, Brussels Signal (26 September 2024), "Tusk blames beaver for Polish flood management problems."
  4. Csongor Körömi, Politico (25 September 2024), "‘Pablo Escobar of beavers’ calls on Poland’s Tusk to cover dams, not shoot animals."
  5. Rewilding Europe (22 December 2022), "Beaver benefits."
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The Petition:

To the Prime Minister of Poland, the Minister of Climate and Environment, and the General Director for Environmental Protection,

We, the undersigned, urge you to immediately halt the targeting and culling of beavers in response to recent flood events across Poland. Beavers, essential contributors to biodiversity and ecosystem health, have been wrongfully blamed for exacerbating flood damage. While we understand the need to protect infrastructure, there are more humane, non-lethal alternatives that do not involve the destruction of these vital animals.

Beavers create wetlands, improve water retention, and help regulate natural water flows, making them crucial allies in flood mitigation. Their presence supports diverse ecosystems, contributing to a healthier and more sustainable environment. Removing them not only harms Poland's rich biodiversity but also undermines long-term flood prevention strategies.

We believe that compassion and humanity should guide our response to environmental challenges. Instead of turning to culling, we ask that Poland prioritize solutions that balance the protection of communities with the conservation of wildlife. Methods such as reinforcing levees with mesh or adjusting infrastructure to coexist with beavers offer a more ethical and sustainable way forward.

These actions will ensure a better future for all—one where Poland's natural ecosystems thrive alongside human development. We respectfully urge you to consider the consequences of culling and lead the country in a direction that upholds both environmental and moral responsibility.


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