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Stop Corporate Greed from Endangering Our Pets

1,618 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

5.39% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

Protect the quality of care pets deserve and ensure veterinarians can focus on what truly matters: the well-being of our animals.

Our pets are part of our families. We trust our veterinarians to provide them with the best care possible. But today, this trust is being threatened. Private equity firms are buying up veterinary practices at an alarming rate. Their goal is not to care for our pets, but to maximize profits at any cost1.

Rising Costs and Decreasing Quality

Private equity firms have poured billions into the veterinary sector, acquiring small, independent practices and rolling them into larger chains. This consolidation is leading to a sharp rise in costs for pet owners. Veterinary service prices have increased by nearly 10% in just the past year—far outpacing general inflation2. For many families, these rising costs mean difficult decisions about whether they can afford the care their pets need.

But it’s not just about money. As these firms focus on profits, the quality of care our pets receive is deteriorating. Veterinarians are under increasing pressure to generate revenue. They’re often required to push unnecessary tests and procedures, not because they’re needed, but because they increase the bottom line3. This focus on profits over care is not just unethical—it’s dangerous.

Veterinarians Under Pressure

Veterinarians themselves are suffering under these conditions. Many report feeling burned out, overwhelmed by increased workloads and the relentless pressure to meet financial targets. The work that once brought them joy—caring for our beloved pets—has become a source of stress and frustration4.

The Threat to Independent Practices

The future of independent veterinary practices is also at risk. With the rise of corporate-owned chains, small, community-based clinics are struggling to compete. Many veterinarians who had hoped to own their own practices are finding themselves outbid by large corporations, leaving them with little choice but to work under corporate control or leave the profession altogether5.

Take Action to Protect Our Pets

This trend toward corporatization is more than just a shift in business models—it’s a threat to the very nature of veterinary care. Our pets deserve better. They deserve care from veterinarians who are free to make decisions based on what’s best for the animal, not what’s best for a corporate balance sheet.

We cannot let this continue. Legislative oversight is urgently needed to prevent private equity firms from exploiting veterinary practices for profit at the expense of our pets’ health. We need laws that protect the integrity of veterinary care, ensuring that the focus remains on providing high-quality, compassionate care.

Now is the time to take action. By signing the petition, you can make your voice heard. You can help protect the future of veterinary care and ensure that our pets receive the care they deserve. Don’t let corporate greed put your pet’s health at risk. Stand with us and demand change.

Sign the petition now to protect our pets and preserve the quality of veterinary care.

More on this issue:

  1. Andrew Perez, Rolling Stone (7 August 2024), "'Life and Death' for Pets: Elizabeth Warren Targets Firm Buying Veterinary Offices."
  2. Helaine Olen, The Atlantic (25 April 2024), "Why Your Vet Bill Is So High."
  3. Brendan Ballou, The Nation (25 April 2023), "Private Equity Is Killing Your Pets."
  4. Anna Claire Vollers , Stateline (29 March 2024), "Vets fret as private equity snaps up clinics, pet care companies."
  5. TBR Newsmedia (15 June 2024), "Private equity firms are buying up veterinary practices."
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The Petition:

Dear Senator Warren and Senator Blumenthal,

We, the undersigned, are writing to express our strong support for legislative oversight to prevent private equity firms from purchasing veterinary practices and then exploiting them for profit at the expense of quality care. As you have highlighted, the increasing involvement of private equity in the veterinary industry is leading to a troubling rise in costs, a reduction in care quality, and deteriorating working conditions for veterinarians.

Quality veterinary care is essential for the health and well-being of our pets, who are cherished members of our families. We rely on veterinarians not only to treat illnesses and injuries but also to provide preventive care that keeps our pets healthy and happy. However, when private equity firms take over veterinary practices, their primary focus often shifts from patient care to profit maximization. This shift results in higher prices for pet owners and a decline in the quality of care provided. Veterinarians, too, suffer under these conditions, facing increased pressure to meet profit quotas rather than focusing on the best interests of their patients.

We believe that legislative action is necessary to ensure that veterinary practices remain dedicated to providing the highest standard of care to our pets. By implementing oversight measures, you can help prevent private equity firms from prioritizing profits over the health and well-being of our pets. This will not only protect pet owners from unfair price hikes but also create a more sustainable and supportive working environment for veterinarians.

Your leadership on this issue is crucial in safeguarding the future of veterinary care in the United States. By enacting these necessary regulations, you will be taking a significant step toward ensuring that all pets receive the compassionate, high-quality care they deserve. Together, we can create a better future for our pets, their owners, and the dedicated professionals who care for them.

Thank you for your attention to this critical issue.


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