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Help People Impacted By War In Ukraine

5,696 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

18.99% Complete

Sponsor: The Hunger Site

Help people impacted by war in Ukraine find stability and hope for the future by taking action at home and online.

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine, fueled by Russian military action, has had devastating consequences for the Ukrainian people and those living in the impacted areas. In addition to the loss of life and destruction of infrastructure, the violence has led to widespread displacement and economic instability.

For those who have been forced to flee their homes, finding safety and stability can be a daunting task. Many have been forced to live in temporary shelters or with host families, often in overcrowded and uncertain conditions. These individuals face a number of challenges, including limited access to basic necessities such as food, clean water, and medical care, as well as limited opportunities for work and education1.

But the impact of the conflict goes beyond those who have been directly displaced. The violence and instability have also had a ripple effect on the economy, leading to widespread unemployment and a decline in living standards for many Ukrainians2.

So what can people in the United States do to help those impacted by the conflict in Ukraine find stability and hope for the future? There are a number of ways to get involved and make a difference.

One way is to help is to advocate for policies and initiatives that support the Ukrainian people. This could include calling on lawmakers to support legislation that provides aid to those affected by the conflict, or speaking out against actions that could further destabilize the region.

Individuals can also work to educate themselves and others about the situation in Ukraine, and strive to be informed, empathetic global citizens. By staying informed and taking action, we can all play a role in supporting those affected by the conflict and working towards a more peaceful and stable future for Ukraine.

Finally, you can help people impacted by war in Ukraine find stability and hope for the future through supporting organizations that are working on the ground to provide assistance to those in need. This can include donating money or supplies, volunteering time or skills, or spreading awareness about the situation and the efforts being made to address it.

Greater Good Charities’ funding is providing urgent relief, enabling humanitarian and animal welfare partners on the ground to respond to the immediate needs of the people and pets of Ukraine3.

This funding is providing funding and supplies to help distribute nourishing meals at border crossings for refugees fleeing Ukraine and at shelters and camps for those who remain in the country, while also helping to support people and pet evacuations from Chernihiv and northern Kyiv regions, food, and other supplies for residents not evacuating, and additional sheltering for pets outside the region until they can be reunited with their families.

Greater Good Charities' pet foster software for rescue groups has been activated to help provide temporary homes for displaced pets.

Greater Good Charities is on the ground assessing the situation and distributing humanitarian and pet supplies and food, including our Good Packs. We are distributing directly to refugees in neighboring countries and working with partners who are transferring product into Western Ukraine.

Sign the pledge and make a difference.

More on this issue:

  1. BBC (4 July 2022), "How many Ukrainian refugees are there and where have they gone?."
  2. International Rescue Committee (23 August 2022), "Ukraine war: What are the impacts on the world today?."
  3. Greater Good Charities, "Crisis in Ukraine: Send Aid Now."
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The Pledge:

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine, fueled by Russian military action, has had devastating consequences for the Ukrainian people and those living in the impacted areas. In addition to the loss of life and destruction of infrastructure, the violence has led to widespread displacement and economic instability. As such, I pledge to take on one or more of these 10 tasks to help refugees from war torn Ukraine find stability and hope for the future:

1. Donate

Donate to reputable organizations that provide aid to refugees, such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) or Doctors Without Borders.

2. Advocate

Advocate for the rights of refugees by contacting your elected representatives and urging them to support policies that protect and assist refugees.

3. Volunteer

Volunteer your time and skills to organizations that assist refugees, such as by helping with translation or providing legal assistance.

4. Help employ refugees

Support businesses that employ refugees, as this can help them integrate into their new communities and build a better future for themselves.

5. Educate yourself

Educate yourself and others about the plight of refugees and the reasons why they are fleeing their homes. This can help to raise awareness and understanding of the challenges refugees face.

6. Get active

Participate in events and activities that raise money for refugee aid organizations.

7. Spread the word

Share information about the plight of refugees on social media and other platforms to help raise awareness and support for their cause.

8. Offer kindness

Help refugees integrate into their new communities by offering friendship, support, and assistance.

9. Encourage others

Encourage your community to welcome and support refugees by speaking out against hate and discrimination.

10. Support Greater Good

Support Greater Good Charities’ direct aid efforts that help people and pets in Ukraine during their time of greatest need. Greater Good Charities funding is providing urgent relief, enabling humanitarian and animal welfare partners on the ground to respond to the immediate needs of the people and pets of Ukraine.

I acknowledge that by taking just one of these steps, I will be helping bring comfort and stability to those impacted by the war in Ukraine.

Pledged by,

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