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Protect Nantucket's Right Whales from Offshore Wind Projects

646 signatures toward our 30,000 Goal

2.15% Complete

Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site

The North Atlantic right whale is on the brink of extinction. Act now to stop offshore wind projects in Nantucket waters and protect our whales!

The North Atlantic right whale, one of the most endangered whale species, faces a critical threat in the ocean waters south of Nantucket, Massachusetts.

This area, a vital habitat for these majestic creatures, is now at risk due to the construction of offshore wind farms. These projects, while aimed at providing renewable energy, could have devastating consequences for the fragile right whale population.

The Threats

The Nantucket Shoals, where these wind farms are planned, are essential feeding grounds for the North Atlantic right whale1. These whales depend on dense patches of zooplankton for sustenance, and any disruption to this food source could have severe consequences. The construction and operation of wind turbines can alter ocean currents and wave patterns, potentially scattering these critical food supplies2.

Noise pollution is another significant concern. The pile driving required to install wind turbines generates loud underwater noise, which can disturb the whales' natural behaviors, including feeding, mating, and communication3. The stress caused by this noise can lead to long-term health impacts and even drive these whales away from their essential habitats.

Why It Matters

With an estimated population of just 356 individuals, the North Atlantic right whale is on the brink of extinction4. These whales play a crucial role in maintaining the health of our oceans. They are indicators of the marine ecosystem's overall health and contribute to its balance. Protecting them is not just about saving a species; it’s about preserving the intricate web of life that depends on the ocean.

Moreover, the presence of these whales in the waters off Nantucket is a testament to the richness of our marine environment. Losing them would be a devastating blow to biodiversity and a significant loss for future generations who may never experience the sight of these magnificent creatures in the wild.

The Call to Action

We cannot afford to wait while the risks to these whales are studied. The potential impact of wind farms on the North Atlantic right whale and their habitat must be fully understood before any further development can proceed. That’s why we are calling for an immediate halt to all offshore wind activity in the ocean waters south of Nantucket, both current and proposed projects.

This is not a call to end renewable energy efforts but a plea to prioritize the preservation of one of our planet's most vulnerable species. We must act now to protect the North Atlantic right whale from the irreversible damage that could be caused by these developments.

Sign the petition to halt all offshore wind activity in Nantucket waters until comprehensive studies ensure the safety of the North Atlantic right whale. Your support is crucial in protecting these whales and securing a future where they can thrive in their natural habitat.

More on this issue:

  1. Anastasia E. Lennon, New Bedford Light (15 November 2023), "Could wind turbines affect right whales’ food source? More study needed, says new report."
  2. Eve Zuckoff, CAI, WBUR (30 March 2024), "The complicated truths about offshore wind and right whales."
  3. Erin L. Meyer-Gutbrod, Douglas Nowacek, Eileen E. Hofmann, Josh Kohut, The Conversation (15 November 2023), "Report: More Study Needed on Wind Farms' Effects on Nantucket Whales."
  4. ACK4Whales, "Whales and turbines don’t mix."
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The Petition:

To the Honorable Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere, NOAA Fisheries, the Governor of Massachusetts, and the Massachusetts Legislature,

We, the undersigned, urge you to take immediate action to halt all offshore wind activity, both currently being installed and proposed, in the ocean waters south of Nantucket, Massachusetts. This region has been identified by NOAA Fisheries as critical habitat for the endangered North Atlantic right whale, a species whose population has dwindled to approximately 356 individuals.

The North Atlantic right whale faces numerous threats, including vessel strikes and entanglement in fishing gear. The construction and operation of offshore wind farms pose additional risks, such as disruption of ocean currents and zooplankton distribution—vital food sources for these whales. Noise pollution from pile driving and other activities could further stress these vulnerable animals, potentially impacting their health and survival.

The significance of conserving the North Atlantic right whale cannot be overstated. As one of the most endangered whale species, their survival is crucial to maintaining marine biodiversity and ecosystem balance. Moreover, their presence in our oceans is a critical indicator of ocean health, which affects numerous other species and human industries alike.

We call for an immediate moratorium on all offshore wind projects in this region until comprehensive research can be conducted to fully understand the potential impacts on these whales and their habitat. By doing so, we can ensure that development proceeds in a manner that does not jeopardize the survival of this critically endangered species.

Taking these actions will safeguard not only the North Atlantic right whale but also the broader marine ecosystem. Protecting these whales ensures a healthier ocean environment, which benefits all marine life and, ultimately, human communities that rely on the ocean's resources. Together, we can ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for all.


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