Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Frickolas  The kat with many lives

Frickolas The kat with many lives

Frickolas was adopted about 4 years ago from a pet store. When adopted, there was this woman there that told us he was a special cat, yet she didn't even work at the store and they knew not who she was. Anyway, Frickolas's name at adoption was Nicholas and was a up for adoption and was about 2 years old. From day 1, he was a loving cat, that snored loudly. After a year he got sick and lost about half his body weight, was taken to a vet that diagnosed him with FIP and wanted to put him down as well as test all our other cats. After spending hundreds of dollars and investigating on the net what FIP was, we decided to bring him to another vet for diagnosis and they put him on pretizone and after a few weeks he gained back most of his weight and was actually spunky, having chased and caught a dove, which I had to save from his grasp. That was 3 years ago and other than having bowel issues every year or so, is a healthy loudly snoring lazy dude.

Long Beach, NY

My two sons

My two sons

This is Frankie & Frisco. They were both abandoned & living off the street. They were both young pups at the time I found each of them. Now Frankie is 6 and Frisco is 9! They have brought tremendous joy to my life. Each dog is unique. I am grateful for each moment with them. They are happy, healthy and very loved.

St. Louis, MO

Corey from Baltimore

Corey from Baltimore

On Superbowl sunday 2008 we anxiously awaited the arrival of Mike and Corey. Mike is a dog whisperer for Recycled Love, a rescue organization in Baltimore, MD. Pete, Casey and I were looking for a dog to come live with us. We had met several dogs already that didn't mesh with us. When they arrived we took a walk around the neighborhood to get Casey and Corey accustomed to one another. Then we went inside the house. Off leash, Corey made a circuit of the house and then settled down in the living room. (Yes, we kept Casey on leash for this part.) Within an hour, Mike was ready to leave without Corey and we were ready to watch the game with our new family member. Mike promised he would NOT send photos of Corey when he was first rescued, they are too disturbing. We needed to keep him on medication for a few months while he contiuned to heal, He was pronounced healthy and strong after three months. Corey and Casey quickly became accustomed to one another and our empty nest was full again. Recycled Love did a follow-up visit and decided we could keep him. We relocated to South Carolina and the dogs love their new back yard. You can see he is a happy boy now. Wonder how he'll like the boat?

Charleston, SC

My little girl Jasmine

My little girl Jasmine

I got my little girl from a rescue shelter about four years ago. She was rescued from animal control just hours before she was due to be put down and boy am I glad they did. While I have to admit, she was not the dog I went to get (she was my second choice) She was the dog for me and she must have known because she picked me. It's been love ever since.

Stone Mountain, GA

my Izz kid

my Izz kid

I moved to MI for graduate school with my 10 year old Shiba Inu, Kayle. I realized she was lonely, having no friends to play with, and I was ready to expand our little family. So I went to a Last Chance Rescue adoptation. I saw a quiet, shy Aussie mutt and she snuggled into my chest. At that point I knew this pup, now called Izzy, was for me and Kayle. When she first arrived home, Kayle was unsure and did not want her to stay beyond the weekend. But, once Monday came, Kayle became a big sister and taught Izzy what I couldn't. Izzy might have been dumped at the side of the road when she was born but she snuggled her way into the hearts of both me and Kayle. She was shy and unsure and did not trust anyone. She followed me around afraid I would leave her. Now Izzy is happy, healthy, and coming out of her shell. Even though Izzy may not know it, instead of rescuing her, Izzy wound up rescuing both me and Kayle. She made Kayle a puppy again and brought love and laughter to our small but happy family!

Jamie Minns
Lansing, MI

Home For Christmas

Home For Christmas

Minnie was skin and bones when she showed up at my sister's house in Alabaster, AL right before Christmas, 2008, and wanted in the house. Tracy gave her food outside, but she said her own indoor cat was too neurotic to live with a stranger. The vet said Minnie was healthy, a year old, and spayed.

The days passed and no opportunities opened up for the very loving gray tabby kitten. I finally said my three huge cats would have to get used to Minnie, although it's more a case of her getting used to them. She is filled out now and happy in her home, and loves to sit in a sunny window, keeping tabs on her siblings. She may even grow to surpass them in size before she's through!

Julie Evelsizer
Duncanville, AL

My baby boy, Will

My baby boy, Will

Will is a 1-year-old Lab/Border Collie mix that the Denver Dumb Friends League picked up as a stray. He had obviously run away from an abusive home, and he had quite a few behavioral and health problems. But now, only a few months after I adopted him, he's my perfect baby boy, and I wouldn't trade him for the world! It's amazing what a little love can do for an animal in need. I'm so glad I found Will. He has brought so much happiness and energy into our house, and we all love him so much.

Centennial, CO

Old dog = peaceful precious moments

Old dog = peaceful precious moments

I've dreamt of having my own dog since early childhood.
When I finally passed all my exams, finished high school and passed entrance exams at the university, I could finally get one.
Of course it had to be a homeless one!
On May 2005 I made myself the best Mother's Day present ever! - I like to call my adopted treasure my son because of the date when I brought him home.
He didn't have much chance for adoption with all his health problems, age and lack of hope - he didn't even look at me untill they got him outside. I didn't know how ill he was then, it turned out he might not survive the next month... Well, it's been almost 4 years and - after a heart attack and many sad moments - he's still with me, I help him when he cannot climb the stairs or get on his favorite sofa, I am there for him when he feels pain or sometimes has to go out a couple of times in the middle of the night because of his bowels problems.
And he? He gives me unconditional love and makes me cherish our every day, he taught me how to appreciate every minute of life.

PS. He joined our cat, adopted a year before him:)

Malgorzata Zebra
Warsaw, Poland

Duka has FIV and FelV

Duka has FIV and FelV

I rescued Duka from work after the other feral cats that I fed everyday were poisoned. She was the only survivor from this horrible act. I took her home and gave her her own room away from my other 4 cats. I took her to the vet and they told me the horrible news that she had FIV and FeLV. They said she should be put down and I said "no way" after what she's been through. I kept searching for help. I finally found a vet to help me and she has been with me 14 months. Things were rough in the beginning, but I wouldn't trade that time for a million dollars. I have an amazing cat that now knows what love is and gives in back in return. I can't wait to kiss her "Good Morning" when I go to feed her everyday and I now know that she is safe, warm and has a forever home for the rest of her life.

Pittsburgh, PA

Saved by the love of a soldier

Saved by the love of a soldier

'During my son's first deployment he was assigned to an outpost where there happened to be six dogs. One of the dogs was a female German Shepherd/Kuwati police dog abandoned because she got "knocked up" by a desert dog (hence the "tell tale" curl in her pup's tail). She had 1 pup left. At the closing of the outpost the soldiers were reminded the dogs couldn't be taken to the base (no mascot, not pet rule). As sad as it was, the Army was going to have to put the dogs down; it was more humane to do that than to abandon them to starvation. With the help of The International Veterinary Hospital in Kuwait City, my son, Paul, shipped the pup, Scout (named by the soldiers) home. Another caring soldier sent the mother to his family in Washington State.

Scout has been a loving and special dog. She's adapted well, loves to chase squirrels, play with our other dogs and, as my son says, "guards the perimeter".

Sandy Tomaszewski
Pearl River, LA