Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Kayla's Rescue

Kayla's Rescue

One cold, stormy night in January 2005, I opened the gate for my friend to leave. In a blink, my placid Wolf-dog rushed out and attacked something in the dark. I grabbed Max's scruff, not knowing if it was a skunk, raccoon or coyote, I just grabbed what he'd attacked! I handed the limp little black body to my husband while Max followed us back inside the gate & my friend left. We then saw that it was a puppy, about 7 weeks old, and we rushed her into the house. She was wet, cold, starved, skin, bones, no muscle, dehydrated, very weak & almost dead! Max hadn't hurt her! She tried, but I wouldn't let her give up. I dried, warmed & cuddled her, crooning constantly.
She wouldn't eat or drink so I force fed her food & water, spending a week around the clock fighting to bring her back to life. With our constant vigil, and our other 2 dogs helping to nurture her, Kayla, I came to name her, started to come alive.
I put a notice at the post office, but no one claimed her.
After a month, Kayla was a healthy, happy puppy, probably for the first time in her young life. She & Max had fallen in love & were inseparable. Max passed away 2-1/2 years ago due to a brain tumor & she mourned for him a very long time. We still have Kayla who's a Black Lab/Airedale mix, and one of the sweetest personalities I've ever met in my 62 years of having many dogs. On a cold morning 2 years ago, a sound woke me. I ran outside, looked over the fence & saw Kayla mauling what looked to be a 4 week old coyote pup! But that's Jyodi's 'rescue' story...

Jinie Rose W.
Wadsworth, NV



We live in a recreational community in Northern Michigan where people come to vacation, it was 2 days before Christmas when I was outside letting out our 2 dogs when I saw this black dog running down the road, almost getting hit by a truck. I called him up to the house, thinking he was someone's dog who was in town for vacation and got loose. He had no tags or collar, so I had him come in the garage and wait while I called around. He was skinny, and he had frost bite on his "male parts". We fed him and gave him water, and kept him in the garage since we had 2 other dogs and 2 cats, and weren't sure what his demeanor was. After calling the local store to post a note about the dog, and calling the surrounding homes, and local animal shelters, it had been 3-4 hours, so I brought him in the house, where he promptly "marked" our Christmas tree! As I sat on the floor, he came over to me, laid on me and fell sound asleep within minutes. Poor guy was hungry, cold and clearly tired. We kept him overnight, and again called the shelters, which were closing early due the holidays and would then be closed for the next few days. Well, it's been about 3 years since we found & named him Knuckles. He was a bigger dog than I was used to, and thought he was either Lab/Rottie mix or Lab/Pit Bull mix, which scared me at first! But he is the most affectionate and loving dog we have ever had. He got along great with our 2 cats and 2 other dogs, and has found himself a very loving home, guess we should have named him lucky!

Elmira, MI

ET, rescued from ACC shelter by Curly Tail Pug Rescue

ET, rescued from ACC shelter by Curly Tail Pug Rescue


The rehabilitation process begins with the dedicated volunteers of Curly Tail Pug Rescue.

ET is am 8-10 y/o senior boy who was rescued from a shelter life. His history before time in the shelter is unknown, however, we do know that whatever roads he traveled on have not had an impact on his natural ability to love.
ET has had a complete dental surgery to remove old failing teeth and shine up the remaining sound teeth. He is feeling better then ever knowing his mouth is clean and infection free. The original arthritis symptoms he was showing when he arrived have almost completely subsided. He and his foster mom have been working hard on strength training exercises like walking and it the results are really showing. When ET arrived, he didn't have much of an interest in walking but now when he sees his harness come out, he jumps for joy at the idea of a walk and struts proudly around the block. ET is a perfectly healthy little boy with the cutest little box shaped body and bow-legged frame. He is as sweet as ever and simply needs a forever home to enjoy his golden years. The companionship this old gentleman can offer is second-to-none and who ever adopts him will be one lucky pug parent! ET is currently being fostered in MASS and is ready for adoption!!

For additional information about other Pugs we have in foster care, that we have rescued, or, to become a Foster parent, Transportation Volunteer or Pet Taxi in the NY, MA, NJ, CT, or RI area, please visit:

Jeanine R.
Westerly, RI

Doberman Rescue

Doberman Rescue

Jace was adopted through Illinois Doberman Rescue. At 10 months of age, he had been in at least 2 homes and returned to the shelter both times. No one took the time to understand, train and love him. He arrived and was a total handful of bad behaviors and underweight but our family was determined to make him healthy, well-behaved and cherished. He completes our family! He has found his forever home.

cathy patenaude
woodstock, IL

Pixie, Rehabilitated by Curly Tail Pug Rescue.......

Pixie, Rehabilitated by Curly Tail Pug Rescue.......

The rehabilitation process begins with dedicated volunteers....
Curly Tail Pug Rescue received an urgent call about an emaciated pug named Pixie. Apparently her owner was very very ill & Pixie was dying along side of him. Her owner was not able to take care of himself, let alone poor little Pixie. Friends pulled Pixie from the situation and into informal foster care. Everyone meant well but Pixie needs a tremendous amount of care. That is when CTPR received the call. Thank goodness Pixie was able to get safely into rescue and receive care within 2 hours of getting that call! When Pixie came into our rescue, she only weighed in just over 10 lbs and was all skin and bones. She also had cuts all over her body, her ears were infected, and her nails were curled under her paws, and her wrinkles were terribly crusted with dirt and & a yeast infection. Curly Tail worked tirelessly to help rehabilitate Pixie, providing her with love and medical care that our rescue provides for "all" of our Pugs. In one month, Pixie was doing soo well that she had gained 4 pounds, was infection free, her cuts were healing, and she was ready to be adopted! Pixie has since been adopted by a loving family, and her family wrote to us to say, ""THANK YOU! THANK YOU Curly Tail - and, especially Drea! - for rescuing our little miracle girl! She's an adorable, smart, wonderful addition to our family - and George's new best friend."

Tony M.
April 9, 2009

For additional information about other Pugs we have in foster care, that we have rescued, or, to become a Foster parent, Transportation Volunteer or Pet Taxi in the NY, MA, NJ, CT, or RI area, please visit:

Jeanine Reed
Westerly, RI

Home to WV Lost in Tennessee!

Home to WV Lost in Tennessee!

My name is Robin Edmunds from Ona, WV. Our 4 year oldLab/Chow mix Dog Jeager was lost last year while visiting relatives in Nashville, Tennessee. We are from a little town 400 plus miles away. After searching for an extended three days, we were forced to leave him there, lost and alone. After returning home, I utelized the Internet to contact all the Nashville area vets, animal hospitals, rescue sites, animal shelters and anyone I could find through google I thought could help.
Well let me tell you, the outpouring of long distance support was amazing! I started receiving calls, emails, and inquiries from folks I'd never met before. Through the wonderful world of fiber optics, Hundreds and I mean hundreds of folks started searching for our pooch. The calls and emails I received were those of encouragment, prayer, and hope. We had several Rescue Volunteers go out looking for this dog whom they didn't even know. In our eyes, he was our family and we were helpless a long way away in another state. In their eyes, he became their family too. After a week lost in an unknown world, Our prayers were answered. He was found, alive and fighting to find us. We made the 6 hour journey back to Nashville to pick him up. He was literally on deaths door, sick and tick infested.
Today, almost a year later, he is happy and healthy. We must thank all of those strangers, who in an instant came together to help this lost soul, and became our family and friends for life. Don't ever give up hope finding your lost pet.
You can go to: to read the story I wrote in full, tributing all those new found friends who brought our Big Brown boy home to us.

Robin Edmunds
Ona, WV

Jock saved from a murderer

Jock saved from a murderer

I was upset when my boyfriend called to say he was late because he "had company".
The "company' turned out to be a cute little Jack Russle mix, whose previous owner had decided to have him put down "because he had outgrown the kids "- can you believe that!!? I was so shocked and freaked out! (And this guy went off to get himself another puppy.....there is not enough done in this country to protect the animals in need!!)

Well, Jock has not left my boyfriends side, they go everywhere together...they are absolutly BEST friends, and i hope the previous owner gets back to him what he gives out. Karma- what goes around comes around!

Nicky Hirschberg
Plettenberg Bay, South Africa

The Kid on the Block..Cesar!

The Kid on the Block..Cesar!

This is Cesar, originally Tyson, I saw him on Petfinders, he was a 4 month old kitten that I feel in love with right away. I knew he was the perfect match for my *family*. My youngest cat wanted a playmate so he fit the role. After talking to second chance adoptions I drove up north a bit and picked him up. He is just a great little guy and so much fun.

San Diego, CA

My Trashcan Puppy

My Trashcan Puppy

Maggie's entire litter (11 newborn puppies) was found stuffed into a shoebox with a rock on top of it in a dumpster. The shelters wouldn't take them because they were too young, so my wonderful colleagues worked around the clock for months to nurse them to health. Maggie is now six years old, beautiful, spoiled and happy!

Albuquerque, NM



I work with Florida Schnauzer & Fox Terrier Rescue and Col Potter Cairn rescue groups. At the time I had just been handed 5 beautiful Lakeland terriers from a disparate breeder and 2 white toy schnauzers from another overwhelmed breeder. Needless to say, I had my hands full, but all were found furever homes. Their blog:

Macey was just 2.5 pounds at six weeks. Well, she captured my heart and I couldn't let her go. She is now 18 months and 10 pounds. I call her dirty facer Macer most of the time because she loves, as most terriers do, to dig in the dirt for bugs and chase lizards. It's difficult to keep her clean!

Kathleen Barber
Lake Placid, FL