Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.



I rescued Franky from BARC, the Houston Bureau of Animal Rescue and Control. He was separated from his Mother too early and destined to be put down. My family fell in love with him and now he manages the household. We even wrote him a song:

My name is Franky
Let's hanky panky.
Just bring a chew toy,
I'll be a good boy.

I'll be your hanky panky man.
Yeah I am Franky, I'm your man.
I am your hanky panky Franky man!

Valerie Calvert
Houston, TX



I don't have enough words to describe how much I miss Simba...........due to personal circumstances I had to move to a townhouse, and unfortunately they don't allow any pets & I had to leave him behind. He's my "BIG Lion" because of his colour & personality, and I used to call him that, but only in Afrikaans. He is still alive & I hope he's been taken good care of. 'Simba, you are in my thoughts nearly every day, and I know we've been apart for almost a year, but i still love & miss you so so much!' Christine Fourie

Christine Fourie
Johannesburg, South Africa

Yet another chance...

Yet another chance...

I had been fostering homeless dogs for a few months now, in the hopes of finding the perfect canine companion, when I was asked to foster this little guy. I always thought my first dog would be large breed and female, but after a few hours spent with this beagle/jack-russell male pooch, who had been abandoned over four times, I knew I had found a true special friend, and I knew I was the perfect new home for him. Poupi is now unconditionally loved and has finally found his forever home.

Montreal, Canada



This is my Boomer a few weeks after he came home with me. When I first saw him, he was feral, terrified, malnourished and living at a convenience store. I left food for him but couldn't touch him. I left my number with all the guys who worked at the store and told them to call me if they caught him. One night the guy working at the convenient store caught him by propping a box on a stick, tying a rope around the stick, running it into the store, putting a can of tuna under the box and waiting. It was like a cartoon! He called me at 6am and told me he had the kitten trapped. 18 years later he is the sweetest, most laid back, loving cat I have ever known. He is the absolute love of my life.

Jo Boykin
Greensboro, NC

Expats Helping Street and Shelter Dogs in Taiwan

Expats Helping Street and Shelter Dogs in Taiwan

When I moved to Taiwan to teach English, I wasn't allowed to have a dog. Landlords here are very strict and will even go so far as to force tenants to cut their pet's vocal chords if they are too loud.

After seeing so many street dogs roaming aimlessly here, I decided to join one of the many groups here that help find them a home. The group that I joined, Taichung PAWS (, goes to a shelter in a rural town every month to help care for the animals and clean the shelter. It's in a bad state and the Taiwanese woman who cares for the shelter can't do it on her own.

Since, I've been with Taichung PAWS, I have seen 6-7 dogs out of the 30 there find loving foster homes as well as some even finding permanent foster homes abroad in the U.S., Canada and even Germany!

We do other things besides visiting that one shelter. We visit other organization's shelters as well as hold fundraisers, monthly meetings, TNR, CNR (among the usual medical and care treatment), promotional events and even took a small trip to the south of Taiwan to visit an exotic animal rescue shelter!

I have made so many friends (human and non-human) through Taichung PAWS and have learned so much! My next goal is to find a new (bigger) apartment that allows dogs and is in a quieter and greener part of the city I live in so that I can adopt one of the dogs and foster another.

I really like this site and hope you can help support those of us in Taiwan, who are doing what we can to educate the Taiwanese as well as give these loving animals a home!

Thank you!

Taichung City, Taiwan

My girl Squirrel

My girl Squirrel

My girl Squirrel is a retired racing greyhound. She came into my life at a time when she was most needed. I had just lost a greyhound to cancer and my father-in-law had been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer and had just months to live. Squirrel accompanied me on our daily visits to his home and then at the hospice center where she just had a calming effect. The nurses would ask if Squirrel would visit the other patients while we were there and Squirrel always welcomed the opportunity. She has since become a certified therapy dog and brings smiles to the faces of everyone at the hospice center every Sunday. Squirrel had been adopted three other times and returned but when we found each other, we both knew we were blessed. We are thrilled to be associated with a rescue organization that saves the lives of these beautiful creatures and we spend all our free time spreading the word about the need for homes for them.

I love my girl Squirrel!


Loree McKinney
Chesterton, IN

My girl - COW - 1st of 9

My girl - COW - 1st of 9

I found my girl COW outside of a grocery store. She was sick and weak. She climbed up on a pallet of cow manure. I went to pet her and she jumped on me. I never put her down. She is the love of my life.

Evansville, IN



We adopted Louis from the local shelter after our beloved Dalmatian had to be put to sleep. My daughter picked her out - yes, Louis is a she!

Louis loves to ride - she's pictured here enjoying the wind in the convertible. She is now about 2 years old and such a joy! She sleeps in between my husband and me and would hog all the pillows if we let her.

One of my friends constantly says she wonders if Louis knows how lucky she is to have been adopted by our family. We can't imagine not having her around now! Thanks to the MS Animal Rescue League!

Susan Hunter
Brandon, MS

Two Cats who came to Dinner ... and stayed

Two Cats who came to Dinner ... and stayed

About 15 years ago, our son was in his Brooklyn apartment kitchen, when a cat came in the window, clearly expecting a welcome and dinner, which he received. Soon named Kook, he trained his new guy well. A year or so later, another cat, abused and injured, was in the yard, so our son took him to a vet, and nursed him back to health. He became Zeke, the Beta cat.

They were settled to live happily ever after, but then came 9/11, and soon our son lost first his job, and then his apartment. He was offered a room with a friend who was allergic to cats. So the cats would have to move elsewhere. We drove to Brooklyn to bring them home with us. Kook (the Alpha cat, on the left) took a while to adjust to country life, but enjoyed going outside to sit under a bush and smell the flowers, and Zeke (on the right) liked to stay in and keep our home clear of small rodents.

One of Kook's favorite places, when not sleeping in my lap, was the middle of our king-sized four poster bed. We tried to discourage him by keeping our bedroom door closed, but he soon discovered that from the balcony over it, he could 'fly' right there. He sailed over just about as soon as I'd snapped this picture.

Zeke, who must have been part Siamese, judging by his voice, became my husband's lap warmer.

They kept us entertained and we kept them healthy and fed until each died, about 4 and 5 years ago now. We still miss them!

Margaret Webber
Sharon, CT

My boy - BUTTONS - 9th of 9

My boy - BUTTONS - 9th of 9

Button's, because he is as cute as a...Although he came along with Henry, he is still too shy. He is still feral, but is slowly coming around more and more. But, he is safe with us and has a forever home. I believe he will give in eventually.

Evansville, IN