Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Athena and Calypso AKA the Rats

Athena and Calypso AKA the Rats

These two black beauties are Athena and Calypso. They are sisters that were found in an abandoned apartment complex. There was no mother around so we took them and instead of finding homes for them, as was our original intention, my boyfriend fell in love with them. These two terrorize our other cats and run around making a mess all the time. They add laughter to our lives and definelty always keep us on our toes. And Despite how misbehaved they are, they are the two sweetest cats ever.

San Antonio, TX

Dell Aka Kiddo

Dell Aka Kiddo

This is Dell. He is a distemper survivor. A woman we know found him on her doorstep and asked us to take him in. Worried that this little guy wasn't going to make it, we agreed. He had hookworms, distemper and heartworms. We treated the hookworms but couldn't treat the heartworms yet because of the distemper. For a while there, we really didn't think he was going to make it...but being the trooper that he is, he pulled out of it. Not without some scars though; he has a twitch that he will never recover from. So we were finally able to start heartworm treatment. However, before it could be totally completed, he started to have seizures. We have gotten the seizures and the distemper under control and are slowly working on the heartworms. Despite all this, Dell is the happiest and most mischievious little guy you could ever find. We are so lucky to have him.

San Antonio, TX



This is Odis. He was boarding at the vet clinic that I worked at when the owners decided to abandon him. He spent 9 months at the clinic waiting for the formal abandonment paperwork to go through. I tried to find him a home but the people that came to see him kept saying he was ugly! I couldn't understand how they could think this adorable baby was ugly. So i took him home to join my pack of dogs. Since he has become a member of our family, he has been diagnosed with diabetes and has gone blind as a result. Still, he lives a happy healthy life with his puppy friends and will do absolutely anything for a treat.

San Antonio, TX

Bitty Bit

Bitty Bit

This is Bit; formerly known as Little Bit. We found Bit in a box by a dumpster. He had mange, was covered in fleas, and extremely malnourished. We took him in and nursed him back to health. My mom named him Little Bit because he was so little and he cost a little bit of money, and was a little bit of a troublemaker. He is now 9 years old and is still as strong and mischievious as ever.

San Antonio, TX

My Rodman :D

My Rodman :D

I had another dog that was old and sick. Her name was Maxie. She was an 11 years old Boxer. She and I became one together. As time went by, I knew she was lonely and needed a friend of her own. I went to our local SPCA in Newport News, Virginia. I was looking for a dog that would get along with my two children and that would be a great friend to Maxie.

I had my name on another dog, but the owner came in and took her at the last second. I walked around and started looking at others that they had. I saw a little dog in a cage that was sitting all the way to the back of it. He was so cute and he was so afraid. The young guy that was working there told me that he could go right then. I was so shocked because there was usually a waiting list, but this puppy could leave today. I took this precious gift with me that day.

I lost my other dog Maxie a short time later. My new pup Rodman has been my best friend and angel ever since. I tell everyone that they should adopt a pet, they are a gift from God.

Debra Nair :D

Debra Nair
Hampton, VA



This is Emrauld. We found her 4 years ago at my boyfriend's apartment complex. Some girl was terrorizing her and chasing her around the yard. After much scolding of the little girl, and coaxing of Emrauld, she finally came out and has been at my house ever since. She has the most beautiful green eyes. Although she is still a little antsy, she is getting more and more rambunxious every day. She is now a happy fat cat with lots of kitty friends.

San Antonio, TX



This is Boo Boo. She was actually named after Jacklyn Kennedy. We found Boo about 16 years ago. She was hanging around a little baby kitten left in a box by a dumpster. So we took her in and ever since she has lived the life of a queen. Goodness knows she's demanding like one. Now she is 17 and still going strong.

Taylor Luster
San Antonio, TX

My Boyz

My Boyz

I started looking to adopt these two furballs in the Spring of 2007 after losing my two 17 year old cats to old age. I first stopped at some adoption fairs at local petstores and ended up visiting a rescue in a local mall. I found a 1 year old male, Frankie, and applied to adopt him. The shelter phoned me the next day to report that Frankie could only go to a home without other pets as he was a "fighter." They then asked if I'd seen a little ragdoll kitten during my visit. I had, but after seeing the pending adoption sign, moved on. They told me that he had previously been adopted to a lady with 30 other cats and had been surrendered back to the shelter when the authorities investigated. The family that had put in to adopt him had a previous incident of surrendering an adoption, so were denied. I brought him home the next day and later adopted his best buddy, Toonman, from another shelter in Racine. Reggie is about four months older and a very responsible young gentleman and from the day we brought home the crazy little Toonman, they have been inseparable. They are the greatest joy in my life!

Lisa M. Engel
Milwaukee, WI



This is Dinai. As a puppy, she was rescued from a burning building along with her litter mates and mother. Petsmart was adopting them out on behalf of the fire department. All of the other puppies and the mother had all found homes, but not Dinai. I couldn't understand why this beautiful mess of fur hadn't found a home so I scooped her up, brought her to my mom, an animal softie too, and said can we keep her. She is now 6 years old and a typical border collie. She is beautiful, crazy, and always keeps us on our toes.

San Antonio, TX

Adopted by Buddy

Adopted by Buddy

We have always adopted dogs who were in need. Buddy was different. He adopted us. He showed up at our house and never left. Our other dogs have embraced him as a part of the pack. He is gentle, loving and faithful. One day he ran away. I was afraid that he was a runner until I found him at the back gate. I had forgotten. Buddy adopted us. He was going nowhere. Now I know how the other dogs must have felt when we adopted them because, for some reason, we were chosen by Buddy. It's a great feeling!

Dennis L. Miller
Tempe, AZ