Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

The Queen of Cambridge Ave.

The Queen of Cambridge Ave.

One of my co-workers found a kitten under her house that had been abandoned by it's mother. She tried bottle feeding it, but it wasn't doing well. My sister's cat had kittens a few days later so we thought we'd see if Angel would take to the new kitten. SHE DID! Pestaria became her instant favorite. Pest is now the queen of my heart and rules the roost at my house. Her subjects inlude 2 male cats, 3 pitbulls and 1 parrot.

Visalia, CA

A Family Worth Waiting For

A Family Worth Waiting For

When we first saw Tango in the shelter, we fell in love immediately. We were surprised to hear such a sweet and loving cat had been in the shelter for TWO YEARS before we'd come along.
Most people overlooked her because she was already five years old, but she was the only one for us. It took us about six months to talk our landlord into letting us get a cat, but once we had the go-ahead, we went right back to the shelter and filled out the paperwork for her.
It was worth the wait, for her and for us! In less than three months, Tango has fully adapted to us and our home. She loves sunning herself on the big windowsills, and you couldn't tell how old she is from the way she romps and explores the house! She has been a great addition to our family.

Kate Gorton & Nicole Pelletier
Tiverton, RI



my daughter found Zac and his mom near a railroad track where she went for exercise classes,I gave her a can of dog food to lure them to her and it worked.I took them to my vet and had 4 offers that day for homes.I gave the mom to the office manager at the vets,I already had 7 dogs and 2 cats at home but I could not part with Zac.He was about 7 months old weighed only 6 lbs,was matted and dirty.he now weighes 15 lbs looks like a maltese with long legs,and is totally spoiled rotten like every one else.I named him Zac from the railroad tracks

Dorothy Hixson
Dunlap, TN



I found Coco 12 years ago ,shaggy with bb shots under her skin and ears.I took her to the vet had her spayed and the bb shots removed.she has been a wonderful dog she was house trained,loves to ride very gentle,but even after 12 years with us she can still act afraid someone is going to hurt her. I am glad I found Coco she is my healthest dog

Dorothy Hixson
Dunlap, TN

Ms. Kitty and her babies- Timber, Cinder and Pounce

Ms. Kitty and her babies- Timber, Cinder and Pounce

Two Summers ago I started seeing this gray and white cat eating the leftover food I throw out to the racoons in the woods behind my house. None of the neighbors knew who it belonged to and I couldn't get close enough to it without it taking off. I thought it was a male so I called it Mr. Kitty. I continued to feed Mr. Kitty all Winter slowly earning his trust enough for him to eat within a foot of me. Last Spring he showed up on my doorstep with 3 babies and that's when I realized Mr. Kitty was actually Ms. Kitty. The neighbor helped me with trapping her and the babies. She was too feral to be adopted so we had her fixed and re-released and I still care for her outside. I took her babies in to find them homes but no one wanted kittens who were skiddish so they joined my already large feline family. Now I have 7 indoor cats and Ms. Kitty outside. She brings me lovely dead birds, squirrels and mice I think for her babies. She watches them through the window and knows they're safe. She has her own cat house outside and everyone seems to be happy. I think they all know they're home. It's a challenge caring for them all but they they make me laugh and give so much love.

Canton, MI

My 'Girls"

My 'Girls"

Ive had dogs all of my life so when I rented a condo for college that allowed pets I started looking for my 4 legged friend. I knew that I wanted a rescue dog so that I could help to save a life! I started looking online at and found the most adorable dog. When I first took Kalynn (brown) home with me she was very shy and barely moved from my couch for a couple of days and even hid in my bedroom closet when any of my friends would come over to visit. I knew that I had to be patient with her because I found out that she had been tied up to a tree outside since birth and been neglected. Well - my patience really paid off. She is the perfect dog for me and loves to go rollerblading, being on the boat, visiting with my friends, and most of all, snuggling on the bed at night. Now - she is very social and likes any dog she meets so I decided to adopt Kia (blond) from the SPCA. It was love at first sight. They get along great and even thought I am Kia's third home - she has found her forever home with Kalynn and me. .

Fort Myers, FL

Lilly the Fur Factory

Lilly the Fur Factory

This beautiful, sweet cat was left locked in an abandoned apartment with no food, water, or way out. Though we already had two cats, my foster kids begged me to make her my foster cat, so I had to make room for one more. Unmatting her hair took a weeks; but now that she is sleek and beautiful, the kids love to brush her. When they end up with a big ball of fur, they ask me to name Lilly's latest kitten. That is how she came to be called the Fur Factory.

But anyone who sits down instantly gets this lap warmer's attention and anyone who gets upset or angry finds Lilly sitting on their feet looking up with those amazing eyes.

Olympia, WA

Wilson the Big Sweetie

Wilson the Big Sweetie

We were looking for a Border Collie to enable us to do agility training. One afternoon I popped into the local shelter and they had the sweetest Border Collie-mix. Look at that face! I adopted him, even after his blood line was revealed. Yes, he's part Border Collie but the other part is SAINT BERNARD! We named him Wilson and he grew into a big round rollie pollie dog. The only thing that can be identified as a Border Collie is his coat. He's shaped like a barrel. He's one of the most lovable dogs we've ever owned. As far as the agility training? That went out the window with this one, but about a year after bringing Wilson home we adopted a full-blooded Border Collie. That one is super fast and agile! The two play well together, and together they herd our other 4 dogs and 4 cats. We have horses too but I do need to get some sheep for this breed -- their natural herding ability is instinctive! Blessed are the animals who live on our farm.

Laura Z
Hillsboro, IL



This is Jack, our precious little rescue Chihuahua. When Jack first joined our family in 2007, he was very distrustful of people. He growled at everyone, including us. But he bonded immediately with Teddy, our other male Chihuahua and they have been best friends since. Even though Jack is still somewhat distrusting of people, he is getting better all the time. We love him so much and can't imagine our family without him.

Toni Pierce
Carrollton, TX

Along came COAL

Along came COAL

In the fall of 2003, we lost both our black labs within 10 days of each other. They were both nearly 14. The female died in her sleep one afternoon and we were forced to put down the male after a lengthy and heart wrenching battle with cancer. Although we still had 5 other dogs to love, our hearts ached. I didn't want a replacement for the black male I lost to cancer so I decided a chocolate lab would be best. (And, anyway, black dogs are so difficult to photograph.) Alas, when I found a chocolate puppy waiting for adoption, I saw that he had a black brother needing a home too. One Saturday morning I drove 4 hours one-way to the shelter to pick up the BLACK one, and then 4 hours back. Although I named my new puppy Coal, I had a hard time breaking the habit of calling him Shadow, the previous lab's name. They are very different in personality but I have never regretted adopting him. He's a big "chicken" - not at all like my other male, and the biggest "momma's boy" you could ever imagine! All our dogs have come from shelters. We will not pay a breeder, as we've always been able to find the breed we want just waiting in a cage somewhere waiting to be adopted.

Laura Z
Hillsboro, IL